Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tournament Time - 2000 Points

So I opted to make the most of a lack of an internet connection this past Friday and spent most of the night working on my Immortal squad.  While I am not finished, I do want to keep a relatively simple color scheme.  I might be picking out some of the details on the guns with perhaps grey and maybe lighting up the eyes a bit with a bright blue...but otherwise all I have left to do is base the suckers.

Compared to other people's #squaduary items, they perhaps won't be the same level of quality but I'm mostly happy with them.  Plus it gives me practice for when I assemble even more Immortals in the future (only plastic this time).


I suppose the title of the blog post perhaps has given away that there is a tournament coming up - this weekend in fact!  I guess with all the OT and other stuff I had been doing I didn't even realize that one was coming up.  Since I've been working on Necrons I figured I'd field these guys in a Decurion detachment.  I had ideas swimming in my head for the last 4 or 5 days.  I had originally hoped to field a CAD and the Conclave of the Burning One.  The CAD would give me some AA support in the way of some Night Scythes.  But reading more I realized that most of the Necron lists just forgo most air options and simply try to win through attrition.  Given that, I've decided to field the following list this weekend:

Necron List - 2000 points (Decurion + 1 Detachment)

Decurion Detachment

Royal Court

HQ - Overlord (Warscythe) - 100 points
HQ - Lord (Warscythe) - 70 points
HQ - Orikan the Diviner - 120 points

Reclamation Legion

HQ - Overlord (Warlord, Phase Shifter, Warscythe, Phylactery, Nightmare Shroud) - 175 points
Troop - 10x Immortals - 170 points
Troop - 10x Warriors (Ghost Ark) - 235 points
Troop - 10x Warriors (Ghost Ark) - 235 points
Elite - 10x Lychguard (Hyperphase Sword, Dispersion Shields) - 300 points
Fast - 3x Tomb Blades (Shadowloom x3) - 57 points

Auxiliary - Deathmarks

Elite - 5x Deathmarks - 90 points

Formation - Conclave of the Burning One

Elite - C'Tan Shard of the Nightbringer - 240 points
HQ - Cryptek (Phase Shifter, The God Shackle, The Solar Staff) - 115 points
HQ - Cryptek (The Veil of Darkness) - 90 points

That's it!  I had toyed with perhaps bringing in a unit of Flayed Ones but opted instead to kit out my Overlord Warlord with a bunch of goodies.  I also opted to avoid taking any Canoptek units and honestly tried to take as little vehicles as possible.  In this situation, I thought the Ghost Arks were too good to pass up (plus I haven't played for them in what seems to be years).

Hammer Time!

So the "hammer" unit of sorts is still the Conclave of the Burning One.  I gave one Cryptek the Solar Staff to serve as another method to protect against massed weapon fire for at least one turn (preferably the turn they Deep Strike into my opponent's backfield).

Anvil of War

The "anvil" unit then becomes my Lych-star.  Of course I have 10x Lychguard that are Toughness 5 with a 3++.  Because of the Decurion benefit they naturally gain a 4+ Reanimation Protocol.  To them I will most likely join both the Overlords and Orikan.  Doing so buffs them to the point of grossness.  The Overlord allows them to re-roll failed Reanimation Protocols of 1.  Though I cannot improve Reanimation Protocols beyond a 4+, having the Cryptek (Orikan) should let me still have a 4+ against Instant Death weaponry (so in this case, Strength 10 and Force Weapons).  Orikan himself allows me to re-roll failed saves of 1.  So that gives the unit a 3++, re-rolling 1's and a 4+ Reanimation Protocol, re-rolling 1's as well.

I have 2 Overlords, each with a Warscythe to deal with armor and 2+ saves.  In the mean time I also have Orikan who, once empowered, can deal with a lot of other targets.  My Warlord should be really hard to take out given that he has a 2+ armor save, a 4++ Invulnerable (re-rolling 1's) and the same 4+ Reanimation Protocols re-rolling 1's.  If he should happen to take a wound, he also has some It Will Not Die shenanigans (arguably overkill).

The two Ghost Arks will move up and help me bring down vehicles and in general deal with enemy infantry.  I will normally have the unit of Warriors embarked inside but might bubble wrap the Ghost Arks depending on the situation.  I understand that Eldar bikes can easily get in my rear ark so I don't pretend that they are invincible.

My large unit of Immortals was also a toss up.  I had thought to bring 2 separate units but opted to keep it as one large one and simply join the Lord with a Warscythe to them.  They will follow behind the Anvil unit and shoot stuff as needed.

Missing ObSec hurts...but I think this should work well.  The Bikes were outfitted with Shadowlooms to help me get to a 3++ Jink Save.  I don't intend on using them to fight anything outside of maybe a stray unit of Grots or Guardsmen.  I also took the unit of Deathmarks to help me in case I needed to Deep Strike onto an objective or to help try to erase a monstrous creature/dangerous unit.

Right now the only tweaks I'm really considering are splitting up the Immortals (having 2 units to contest might be better than just 1).  If I were to separate them I could always attach the secondary Overlord to the unit as well.  I'm also considering getting rid of the Phylactery but that only buys me 15 points.  I'd need to scrounge up another 50 points or so and then maybe I could grab some Flayed Ones.

I have a ton of stuff I'd have to paint and such...but it would be a combination of my old Black and Orange Crons and my new White and Blue Crons.  I do have to assemble 3 Tomb Blades though...

Behold the fury of the might Lone Star Phalanx!

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