Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Crucible Gears Turning

So I'm going to Crucible.  No doubt about it!  But now I really do need to figure out what I want to take and play over 2 days.  At this point I am starting to lean heavily towards Necrons.  The reason why?  The Conclave of the Burning One formation.

The opportunity to field a C'Tan (Shard of the Nightbringer) along with some survivability is too good to pass up.  Additionally, I'd love to throw on a God Shackle piece of Wargear to really make this work.
At 10 points it's a steal!  I'd thought about giving my Cryptek some Solar Thermasite as well but in this situation I believe I will leave well enough alone and just try and protect my Crypteks with some good LOS rolls.

I would take this in an 1850 point list as it is too expensive to take at the 1000 point level.  So now the question becomes, what else do I take?  I like the idea of a Necron force that has been driven insane by the C'Tan, so a Destroyer Lord would make the perfect HQ.  I think I would put him in a group of Flayed Ones for funsies.  I'd have to bring a Night Scythe or three for a form of AA (and general ground support).  So with that Immortals and Warriors would support.  I'd rapidly run out of points.  But got some things to hash out I suppose.

The other thing I have to do is start thinking of a good doubles list that me and my buddy Sanjay can take for the doubles tournament on Friday.  No doubt, the field will be hardcore.  I had thought about some unholy Necron-Eldar alliance...but I really am not feeling the Eldar.  In that situation, Eldar-Tau would make more sense.  CSM-Chaos Daemons?  Space Marines and IG?

Decisions, decisions!

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