Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Subsector Strellia Lore (Part 2)

The Imperium of Man

The campaign takes place in the year 114 of the 37th Millennium. As it had happened before, astropaths in Cadia began receiving communications from the subsector.  This time, the High
Lords of Terra would not gamble having a short window to operate. Resources are always needed, but more importantly the Imperium has lost much of its technical knowledge in the thousands of years since the Horus Heresy.  Unlike the first rediscovery, it seems that there are actual survivors.  The second expedition to Entara did not expect there to be any rescue and knew they had to fend for themselves.  They immediately rationed their supplies and set up agriculture to help them survive. Entara was clearly a mining world but it had enough area that could be cultivated to sustain the population.  Despite the need to survive, the Squats remained loyal to the Emperor and tried to produce as much as they could should the Warp storms abate and allow them a chance to escape.  As a result, the Squats still had more than a few serviceable ships and had maintained a high level of technology.

Unwilling to leave things to chance, the High Lords have dispatched the 803rd Cadian Regiment to aid in the evacuation of the technologies on Entara.  In case of conflict, Imperial Knights of House Etiru and the 5th Company of the Salamander Space Marine Chapter were sent to support the Cadians as well.

At the same time, word reached the Iron Hands of Medusa that two of their brothers from the original 30 that had gone to Entara had survived. Though they were still loyal to the Imperium, the survivors claimed they would only speak to members of their legion.  As a result, Clan Atraxii of the Iron Hands Space Marines traveled to Entara to rescue their battle brothers and discover the secrets they possessed.

A young recently sanctioned chapter from the 23rd Founding may also play a role in the campaign.  The Fire Guard Chapter of Space Marines share a strong bond with their progenitor chapter, the Iron Hands.  Having only existed for decades, the Fire Guard call their flagship the "Fury Gauntlet" their fortress-monastery.  Subsector Strellia may very well provide a location for the chapter to set down roots and build a more permanent home.

As always, the Inquisition would not be left out of this operation. Though it was never clear if the first anomaly was a warp storm, the possibility that two happened in the same area screamed the taint of Chaos was present. Ten thousand years is a long time and they needed to be sure that these survivors had not turned to the Ruinous Powers to survive.

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