Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Hobby Updates

Well I meant to type a bit more about Crucible but found myself busy with work and getting to get some actual games in.  So all in all, I can't say I am sorry I didn't get to post as it meant I got games in...but I guess I do want to write about some of what happened.

Crucible 6.5 - Warhammer 40K Narrative

So though I was unable to provide an update about the 40K Narrative event at Crucible 6.5, I guess I can quickly do so now.  In general, I found myself matched up against some of the tougher opponents or matched up with a less tactical team mate (which itself was cool given it was a narrative event and the purpose was to have fun).  I was a member of team chaos as I alluded to in the fluff for my army in previous posts.  Unlike the last Crucible event, I had the ability to play all 5 of my games and the teams stayed pretty evenly distributed throughout the weekend.

By the end of the two day event, I found I had gone undefeated.  lol, while not 5-0, I had gone 2-0-3 which was not bad at all.  Two of those ties were losses where I pulled out a tie in the last turn.  One of those ties was a guaranteed victory where I let the game slip away in the last turn.  Our team managed to capture the overall victory for the event for the Chaos gods.  I myself managed to get an award for the best fluff for the weekend too!  I was stoked that Tim, the event organizer, had chosen my story for the award.  Though it seemed that nobody cared (not sure if it was that I was a stranger to most of them or if they simply cared not wanting to hear the results for the 40K Grand Tournament)...I still was very pleased to win!

Kings of War

Since Crucible, I have really focused heavily on Kings of War.  On improving my movement and just getting games in.  I went to Armada Games over in Tampa with some of the friends I met during the Crucible team event.  In both tournaments I opted to field my Herd as they were the army I knew best (and had mostly painted).

The first tournament was simply a 1000 point tournament where I went 1-2-1.  In each game I learned a little bit more about my army and different movement tactics for armies ranging from Forces of Nature to Goblins.

The second tournament was an escalation tournament where we started at 1000 points and went up to 1500 and finally 2000 points in the end.  This time I managed to go 0-2-1.

I was definitely touched that in both tournaments I received the sportsmanship award for the day.  Both times I picked up more of the MDF bases Armada makes as well as some Dwarfs for my potentially next KoW army.

General Hobby

Since then, I have managed to paint up the entire force I seek to take to Jekyll Con up in Jekyll Island.  I've also managed to paint up quite a few other units that will help me field more versatile forces for some of my more friendly games and matchups.

There will be 4 games on Saturday and a single game on Sunday.  At the moment we have 16 participants, easily the largest KoW tournament I've ever attended.  I fully expect to go something like 1-3-1 or 0-4-1...but who knows, maybe I will manage to finally pull out some victories!

At the moment I have put my 40K participation on hold.  In part because I have been focusing on Kings of War.  In part because between the holidays and work (over time) limits what I can actually play.  But more than anything because I'm waiting for Chapter Approved to hit and for me to finalize what army I will play competitively moving forward.  I'm 90% sure I will opt to field Tyranids, but Deathguard and Eldar are still a possibility.  Kinda funny given that I was hell bent on playing an Imperial army for the longest time for 8th edition.

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