Yearly Goals - November
1. Get 4 games of Warhammer 40K/Age of Sigmar/Kings of War/Frostgrave/other miniature game per month.Again a pretty huge success (which is really the point of the blog). I managed to do 2 different tournaments at Armada Games giving me 4 and 3 games. I also played my buddy John over the Thanksgiving break to playtest my Jekyll Con list over 2 games. All in all 9 games, quite the success!
2. Paint 1 unit (Warhammer 40K/AoS/KoW) or 1 war band (Frostgrave) per month.
Here I did very well. I managed to paint a Horde of Lycans, a Regiment of Lycans, 2 more Beast Packs, 2 Troops of Tribal Hunters, 1 more Shaman, 1 mounted Totem Bearer, 1 Brutox, and 1 more Regiment of Longhorns. Phew! All are tabletop at best (pictures coming over the next few posts). But that only leaves me with a Regiment of Chariots, 2 Regiments of Spirit Walkers, and a Guardian Brute hero. I suppose I have other units I can build up (a Regiment of Eagles)...but we'll see what I decide to do!
3. Attend 1 tournament every 3 months (helps with #1).
Double success! Two different Kings of War tournaments at Armada Games.
4. Post 1 blog post per week.
So by the time November 30th hit, I will have had at least 4 blog posts. That counts, right?!?
Look Ahead
The big event moving forward is doing what I need for the Jekyll Con Kings of War tournament. I will work to finish up the remaining Kings of War units I have for my Herd list and then will either double back to 40K to prep a list with Tyranids (again 90% sure that will be the army) or I will focus on my Kings of War Dwarfs. I mean...Forces of Nature?So Games Workshop has been knocking it out of the park. I admit that while Necromunda seems cool, it isn't something I want to focus on at the moment (though ironically it would be good as it is easier/faster to get games in). The big focus will ultimately prepping for Adepticon. Yup, I managed to snag a VIG ticket and opted to join in for both the Kings of War and 40K singles GT's. Quite a bit step as either would easily be the largest event I'd ever done for either game.
More to come!
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