Yearly Goals - March
1. Get 4 games of Warhammer 40K/Age of Sigmar/Kings of War/Frostgrave/other miniature game per month.So I'm going to go ahead and say this was a success. Going to Crucible 6 on the last weekend allowed me to play a total of 6 games over the weekend. I played 3 matches on Friday in the Doubles Tournament. Unfortunately car troubles sidelined me on Saturday morning so on Saturday + Sunday I only got a total of 3 more games in the narrative portion of the weekend. I know that technically should be April but they were what I was building towards all of March. Check!
2. Paint 1 unit (Warhammer 40K/AoS/KoW) or 1 war band (Frostgrave) per month.
Things definitely slowed down after the end of #squaduary. I kept working on my Necrons but at a much slower pace. I was able to paint my Nightbringer C'Tan, a flying Hive Tyrant, two 5 man squads of Flayed Ones, and squad of Immortals. Though I still think I need to do more work on them, I definitely completed this. Check!
3. Attend 1 tournament every 3 months (helps with #1).
Big check. At this point I've done 3 tournaments and two narrative campaign days for Warhammer 40K. All in all that means I was able to do a total of 5 events. Much better than all of 2016 and we're only 3 months into 2017!
4. Post 1 blog post per week.
This was a pretty big fail. With all the travel and work taking up my time, I rarely had the desire to pop onto my computer at night and type. When I did, it was to polish up my list or do some research on other things (trips, activities, etc). I only had a whopping 2 posts in March. I'd like to make up for it and have a much stronger April. I don't think this post should count but hopefully I can get back to roughly 10 or so posts. I have plenty of pictures from Crucible and should have plenty of content.
Look Ahead
So I didn't get nearly any instructional games in. But March was also big as GW announced a lot of new games and such. Already we have Shadow War: Armageddon to look forward to but even bigger are the whispers of 8th edition. I had planned on perhaps honing my skills and working on an army for competitive events...but with a change on the horizon I feel I should dedicate more time to Kings of War (as it shouldn't change nearly as much). I have yet to even look at anything in the most recent Clash of Kings update.I should keep painting my Space Marines at the very least. I know my Necrons are going to go back on the shelf for the moment along with my Tyranids. I'll have to figure out what I want to play for Shadow War: Armageddon, but that shouldn't be too difficult. I think?
I've already started work on some of my Beastmen/Herd army for Kings of War. I need to paint them up and base them and then move back to finish up some Minotaurs I started back in October (!) of last year.
I also plan on working on some terrain for use in both Frostgrave and Kings of War!
Keep at it chief, you have to hit those hobby goals.