Sunday, April 9, 2017

Crucible 6 General Thoughts

So these last few weeks (particularly the weekends) have been busy.  Travel to NYC.  Crucible.  This was the first weekend where I didn't have anything other than the normal OT to do at work.  It afforded me the time to get a trial game in of Shadow War Armageddon with my buddy Sanjay.

I have started painting a bit more.  Mostly focusing on my Kings of War stuff but already I feel the allure of wanting to prep a specific team for the new Necromunda game.  I guess I'll write about that some other time.  But yes, Crucible 6 came and went.  It happened at the Park Inn by Radisson in Kissimmee, FL.

It was a smorgasbord of gaming of all types ranging from all things GW, Kings of War, WarmaHordes, Bolt Action, Guild Ball, and a ton of board games.  The Firelock Games folks were there to demo Blood and Plunder as well!

I need to get better at taking pictures of events but you can go to the Facebook page for the Crucible folks if you want more pictures of the area.  I ended up staying one night at the Park Inn (I had reserved my timeshare up in Orlando), and thought it was good for the price.  It isn't a super fancy hotel but I didn't expect it to be.  But the convention rate definitely made it attractive as an option.

I was very happy to find out that the guys are switching the dates for future Crucible events from the spring to the fall.  This year we'll get a Crucible 6.5 in October.  It works out great as it takes the slot Feast of Blades used to occupy.  Though I do wonder if the newly announced SoCal Open put on by Frontline Gaming will cause similar issues to what Adepticon caused.

So I myself participated in the Friday doubles tournament and then got to at least play in 3 of the 5 matches for the narrative play on Saturday and Sunday.  The doubles tournament was far more competitive than I thought it would be but I guess I will anticipate it a bit better in the future.  The narrative was a ton of fun and while I was never able to field my 1850 point list (the whole reason for wanting to play Necrons), the army performed well.  I'll do a couple of writeups for both of the events in the future.  I'll include a few pictures I took of my games while at the convention.

The tables were great.  I loved all the terrain and would highly recommend the narrative to anybody wanting to have good fun while throwing some dice.

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