I moved to Florida from Texas roughly a little over a year ago for work and found myself in a new area with little to no friends. I've tried throughout the past year to join groups but between work and home life I haven't had much of a chance to get nearly as much gaming as I'd like. But for the moment I have some goals and this will be a way of helping me keep track of progress and keep some few friends abreast of what is happening on that end.
...the title of this blog is meant to kinda explain the main topics of this blog. "Dice" because I will focus on mostly dice games. I may even dabble a bit into some of Fantasy Flight's Warhammer 40K RPG's (Only War really interests me).
The "Kings" portion is in reference to Kings of War. Warhammer Fantasy was one of the first games that finally grabbed my interest enough to take the plunge into miniature wargaming. I played some 7th and 8th edition but ultimately never had much luck. Recently my local FLGS (Dogs of War) invited some guys over from Tampa to help demo Kings of War. The game itself seems pretty simple and yet still gives fantasy wargamers a chance to retain the rank and file aspect of the hobby.
The ability to multi-base is also huge. I have several fantasy armies but opted to go with The Herd mostly because I had a small amount of Minotaurs and Beastmen to serve as my base. Already I have picked up a Ghorgon model, some more Beastmen, and some Warhounds to grow my fledgling army. I already had about 10 Minotaurs, about 30 or so Beastmen, and some Chariots to help get me on my way. So I will definitely attempt to catalogue all I'm doing along the way.
hah, I'm more than aware that many people loathe the idea of Space Marines, 40k, and just about anything GW. But despite my dabbling with other systems I always find I have the most fun whenever something occurs in this universe. I've definitely invested quite a bit but that aside, I just have fun playing the game no matter what the edition. I jumped in on the tail end of 4th but enough interaction with the old guard and reading online has given me a better understanding of how the game has changed throughout the last 30+ years.
It is a bit frustrating at times though. We are currently living in a great era where Kickstarter and other platforms have allowed a plethora of miniature wargames to exist. Despite that it doesn't matter where I go (both online and in the real world), there are more than enough people there ready to shit on you and talk crap about 40K, GW, or you based solely on the fact that you're playing the game. Just yesterday I have to admit that I let it get to me when some beardy jerk kept talking crap about the game and to an extent the people who play it.
Eh. The game isn't perfect. There are definitely far more balanced games. But it is still the game that I love to play and it offers a lot of different formats for people to play.
Far and away, Salamanders are my favorite army. I love the fluff. I love the look. I love *HOW* they play on the board. They aren't the most competitive (and yesterday was a good reminder of that fact), but have the tools to do just about anything.
I currently do have goals. For role-playing, I'd like to learn the rules for Only War and potentially run games for local people. Just gotta see if there is anybody interested in the game system.
For Kings of War my goal is a lot simpler. I'd like to have a functioning and (hopefully) competitive list to play at 2000 points by the end of August. I would like to have it fully painted and based too. I am a pretty mediocre painter but generally think I paint well enough for the table top.
For Warhammer 40K, my immediate goal is to finally settle on an army and honestly get more games in. Before yesterday I think it was roughly 7 months since my last game. But more long term I am preparing for BeakyCon over in Tampa. I have already paid my registration and am looking to get a hotel room soon. It is an interesting format as there will be no Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures, no Super Heavy Vehicles, and will happen at 1650 points. I look forward to the challenge and ideally I hope to have a decent showing. I could very well go 0-5 but hope to at least go 2-3. There's a lot of rust to knock off.
In the long term, I would like to go to some major convention/tournament. I was originally eyeing Texas WarGamesCon or the LVO would be great too. I wouldn't mind trying to go to one for Kings of War...but I'm in even worse shape for that than I am for 40K.
I guess I should end this now. I'll try to post at least twice a week and post some pictures and updates. If you're still here, thanks for reading! Happy wargaming to all...and am looking forward to more posts in the future.
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