So as I alluded to in the previous posts, I did finally have a chance to get my first Warhammer 40K game in weeks! I noticed one of the guys that has been wanting to game it up against me was looking to get a game in over the next few weeks while he's in the area. I had missed chances in the past and knew that I would have time this afternoon to game it up. I finalized an Iron Hands list that gives me a relatively great chance to win a fair amount of games. I don't find it over the top and plan on moving forward with the list for BeakyCon. There is one thing I could tweak (more on that later). But for now, here is the list:
Fist of Medusa Strike Force
Core - Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Captain (Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Artificer Armor, Bike, The Gorgon's Chain) - 215 points
Elite - Command Squad (Bikes, Apothecary w/ SS, 2x SS, 2x Power Fists, Meltabomb) - 225 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 (Lascannon) - 90 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 (Lascannon) - 90 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 (Flamer) - 75 points
Fast Attack - Bike Squad x3 (Grav Gun, Combi-Grav Gun) - 103 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad x5 (3x Missile Launchers) - 115 points
Command - Librarius Conclave
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Axe) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Sword) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Sword) - 110 points
Auxiliary - 10th Company Task Force
Troop - Scout Squad x5 (5x Sniper, Camo Cloaks) - 70 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 (5x Sniper, Camo Cloaks) - 70 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 (4x Bolters, Heavy Bolter) - 63 points
Allies - Assassinorum
Elite - Culexus Assassin - 140 points
Allies - Inquisition
HQ -Inquisitor (ML1 Psyker, Force Sword, 3x Servo Skulls) - 64 points
Honestly not much different than the list I had created before. The goal of the conclave is to try and roll on Librarius for the re-rolling Armor Saves plus Null Zone. In an ideal world I will also roll on Telepathy and get Invisibility as well. Everything beyond that is just gravy. The Inquisitor originally was being used as a way to get Psykotroke Grenades as well as Rad Grenades; however he's too slow to join my Bike Squad. I also was using him to unlock cheap 18 point Warp Charges (Henchmen Squads, 2x Acolytes, 1x Psyker)...but I realized that Psychic powers aren't the lynch pin for the army. For now, he simply joins the Devastator Squad and hopes to get Perfect Timing to go along with Prescience depending on what I need. Given I'm normally only rolling for 2 powers in any phase, I can afford to let him throw 1 or 2 dice at a power.
I had wavered on bringing a Culexus but he helps me shut down opposing Psyker Deathstars. Considering mine doesn't need the powers to operate, I can easily dump my 3 Librarians into the Grav Bike Squad and let them perform shenanigans on their own.
Ultimately, there are a few concerns I have with the list. The most obvious one is a lack of transports/mobility. It is somewhat mitigated by having Infiltrating Scouts (plus the Assassin) and letting my two Bike Squads push forward. The other concern comes from the distinct lack of AA. At this point I'm relying on Mysterious Objectives to get a Skyfire Nexus and just being able to ignore flyers in some situations. Given that Helldrakes are still potentially a thing, I might have some issues. Still, that would be one of the tweaks. I would drop the Scouts and instead go with the AA Tank Detachment. I'd need to give up a few things (like Lascannons and Missile Launchers)...but I think that they'd work well with the list.
The Inquisitor's Servo Skulls help immensely against White Scars and other Scouting/Infiltrating Armies...especially with the change to Infiltrate and Scout moves occurring *AFTER* the seize roll. Honestly I find that to be a *GREAT* move because it suddenly adds that much more value to those units since they help you recover from a potentially disastrous situation.
So going off the top of my head, this is what my opponent (Nick) brought:
HQ - Company Command Squad (Creed, Master of Ordinance, Chimera)
HQ - Primaris Psyker (ML2)
HQ - Pask in a Leman Russ Punisher (2x Heavy Bolter Sponsons, 1x Lascannon, Camo Netting) plus a Plasma-cutioner (w/ 2x Plasma Cannon Sponsons, Lascannon, Camo Netting)
Troops - Platoon
Platoon Command Squad (Autocannon)
Infantry Squad (10x Guardsmen)
Infantry Squad (10x Guardsmen)
Heavy Weapons Team (3x Lascannons)
Heavy Weapons Team (3x Autocannons)
Troops - 10x Veterans (Upgrade that gives them stealth and forces me to do a disordered charge, Meltagun)
Heavy Support - 2x Leman Russ Tanks (Vanquishers...Strength 8, AP2, plus 2x Lascannons, Camo Netting)
Heavy Support -1x Wyvern
He had to change his list on the fly as he didn't bring the flyer stands and had forgotten quite a few of the parts he uses on his magnetized guys. Creed was his Warlord.
We rolled a D3 and got the 3rd mission from the BeakyCon sample missions. It was basically combined Scouring with Kill Points and a smattering of secondary and tertiary objectives.
I noticed in the pictures for DakkaCon this past weekend that some tables had very little LOS blocking terrain and worried I would have to deal with the same. So I purposely set up a table with a single LOS blocking piece and a smattering of ruins and such throughout the rest of the board. I still think it gave us enough items to hide units if we chose to.
I rolled Rites of War from the Space Marine Codex (all units use my Warlord's Leadership Value as their own) and then Master of Ambush from the Strategic Table. Dan rolled the Warlord trait that gave him the ability to issue 4x Orders and I am unsure of the second Warlord trait. We rolled off and I won the roll electing for Dan to deploy and go first (I didn't seize).
I elected to give my Grav Bike Squad and one Librarian Infiltrate along with my three Scout Squads and my Assassin (who all naturally have Infiltrate). Dan deployed with a strong tank presence on the left and center with the squad of Veterans on my right flank to advance and try to control the other board edge. My deployment matched his with the strength of my army on the left. I was curious to see how truly powerful my Deathstar could be.
So an aside...
The last few weeks have allowed me the chance to read up more about deathstars. In general, I find that while my deathstar is nice, it isn't truly as unkillable as others I've seen. I only have 2 powerfists outside of my Captain and did not give everything a Storm Shield. The Librarius Conclave is not maxed out and doesn't have a ton of Force Axes. So if the right chain of events occur, I'm rapidly looking at a very weak star. That said...I also like that my unit doesn't require psychic powers to be effective. The entire unit has a 3+ FNP while my Captain enjoys a 2+ FNP (5+ Base, +1 for Iron Hands Chapter Tactics, +1 Command Benefit from the Fist of Medusa rules, +1 from the Gorgon's Chain). Generally I put my shields and captain on the edges and allow them to tank the flurry of hits they'd have to face. My only real fear are D-weapons and mass strength 10...neither of which are very common in the format. But would volume of shots cause an issue?
I did not seize and as a result Nick went first. There was no first blood so I deployed aggressively to give me a reason to potentially push up and start capturing objectives.
In his turn Nick managed to push up a few of his guys and tried to get Pask in a position to fire but still stay out of my charge range. He miscalculated and made it so that Pask ended up within 21 inches of my Command Squad. (Another aside - I rolled poorly in the Librarius discipline twice and poorly on the Telepathy discipline)
He proceeded to take pot shots on all my visible marine squads (Scouts and Tactical Squads) and managed to force leadership tests on all of them. He pushed his veterans up and assaulted my diminished Scout squad in ruins (closest in the picture) and wiped them in one round of combat. I did take away one thing from this turn... Captain can most definitely tank hits. Don't get me wrong...I could've very easily rolled 1, 1, 1 and followed it up with 1, 1, 1 for my FNP but it was unlikely. But my captain tanked all the Pask unit shots, a plethora of Heavy Weapon Team shots, and emerged unscathed. So my concerns about the unit not being durable were unfounded. However, I definitely see the merit in getting that re-rolling armor saves power from the Librarius Discipline.
On my turn I pushed my bikes up and managed to assault Pask and friend by rolling a 10 to charge (I needed 9). 3 Power Fist unit attacks later, the unit was reduced to nothing. They did blow up. I managed to put quite a few wounds on his small blob squad protecting his Psyker but nothing else major came of my turn. I opted to push my Grav bike squad all out to help support my Command Squad should they need extra shots.
Turn 2 Nick pushed his guys forward and seemed to dump his entire army's worth of shots into my death star (after it felled his Tank Squad). This time I had put a Storm Shield guy on my right side (randomly...though I should've done so purposely) and between him and my captain, managed to tank all the shots that hit them. In Nick's defense, his dice definitely abandoned him with him missing most of his AP2 shots.
On my turn 2, I managed to force the Platoon Command squad to run off the board (due to a few pot shots) and started whittling away at the rest of his forces. But with him unable to do anything to my command squad (and it getting late), he conceded knowing it would be an exercise in futility. My command squad would sweep across his units and would eliminate most by Turn 5 (or Turn 6 if it got to that point).
I guess this isn't much of a battle report as the game ended so quickly but there were definitely quite a few takeaways.
- This list should perform well in the absence of flyers. I think with Mysterious Objectives (or the right spells), it can deal with flyers as need be. The Death Star can hold its own if my dice do not abandon me. Keeping the Apothecary alive is key to the unit working!
- I need to be mindful of where I place my Storm Shields and Captain. In most cases they can all interchangeably tank wounds. I need to make sure to put my Apothecary somewhat central to everything.
- I need to be mindful of where I deploy and move my Culexus Assassin. That guy was in a spot that denied me 4 warp charges mostly due to bad placement on my behalf. I can deploy him away from my psykers and let him go to work...or support him with Scouts/Tactical Squads as needed.
- I should not be afraid to move my Tactical Squads even if it forces my Lascannon shots to snap fire.
- Scouts in Ruins will get a 2+ Cover Save...but if I deploy them aggressively I should be prepared to lose them as Ignores Cover isn't as rare as one might think. White Scars can get it easily, as can IG, and of course Tau!
I hope to get a rematch with Nick as he will try and optimize his list a bit. I think he might try bringing some Demolisher Gun toting Leman Russes to help negate the 2+ or 3+ FNP...but of course I should deploy in such a way that it either puts him out of position or he just cannot fire that off as often as I'd like.
Here are the powers I rolled:
Axe Librarian (Librarius):
Psychic Fortress
Might of Heroes
Left Hand Sword Librarian (Librarius):
Might of Heroes
Fury of Ancients
Right Hand Sword Librarian (Telepathy):
Inquisitor (Divination)
Nothing bad...actually all pretty bad. Definitely nothing great.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day everybody! I know I sometimes don't fully appreciate the significance of this holiday. It isn't about getting a day off or barbecues or drinking a ton, but about remembering the fallen soldiers that helped ensure that we keep the freedom we all enjoy!
Back in the Saddle!
Whoa. Post. Post. Post. Then nothing but ... *crickets*
Sorry for succumbing to the very thing I wanted to avoid. But with travel taking up so much of my time for the last 3 weeks, I was unable to really do much game-related stuff, much less post. I suppose I could be better at posting on the road. Getting a better laptop would be great for doing that!
In any case, since I last blogged I did have a couple of games. I played the Necron list I posted before against a very great Ork player. Initially the matchups looked like it would be one-sided in my favor but my overconfidence cost me greatly. Ryan (the Ork player) played a great game and managed to maneuver his guys into a great position to neutralize my Warlord and the Canoptek Wraith unit. I was really impressed with how the Lychstar performed with Orikan...however the biggest issue I think I had was with the C'Tan Conclave of the Burning One unit not being used aggressively enough.
I waited until the second to the last turn to port to my opponent's backfield. Despite rolling the Strength D power 3 times (!), I managed to roll 1's on two occasions on my To-Hit roll.
After losing a somewhat close game (that got out of hand in the last turn), I realized that Necrons could definitely make noise but they are neither fast enough nor "killy" enough to deal with some of the other lists. I have survival in spades, but not enough to take out my opponents units. Well I say that but could easily look at a Destroyer Cult plus a Canoptek Harvest (for mobility)...but it still doesn't play the way I'd like to play.
Since I last posted the new Space Marine supplement came out and despite some (rightful) temporary nerfs by the ITC, it still seems to be the best option moving forward (Daemon summoning, Eldar, and Tau be damned).
I think I have settled on a list that gives me a relatively great chance to win. I could tweak it a bit but think it is the way to go moving forward. I played a game against an IG player and it performed a bit better than expected. We called the game at the end of Turn 2 pretty much. But I will face a rematch of a more optimized list. The big thing is I think I can finally move forward with painting a lot of this list for BeakyCon 6!
Sorry for succumbing to the very thing I wanted to avoid. But with travel taking up so much of my time for the last 3 weeks, I was unable to really do much game-related stuff, much less post. I suppose I could be better at posting on the road. Getting a better laptop would be great for doing that!
In any case, since I last blogged I did have a couple of games. I played the Necron list I posted before against a very great Ork player. Initially the matchups looked like it would be one-sided in my favor but my overconfidence cost me greatly. Ryan (the Ork player) played a great game and managed to maneuver his guys into a great position to neutralize my Warlord and the Canoptek Wraith unit. I was really impressed with how the Lychstar performed with Orikan...however the biggest issue I think I had was with the C'Tan Conclave of the Burning One unit not being used aggressively enough.
I waited until the second to the last turn to port to my opponent's backfield. Despite rolling the Strength D power 3 times (!), I managed to roll 1's on two occasions on my To-Hit roll.
After losing a somewhat close game (that got out of hand in the last turn), I realized that Necrons could definitely make noise but they are neither fast enough nor "killy" enough to deal with some of the other lists. I have survival in spades, but not enough to take out my opponents units. Well I say that but could easily look at a Destroyer Cult plus a Canoptek Harvest (for mobility)...but it still doesn't play the way I'd like to play.
Since I last posted the new Space Marine supplement came out and despite some (rightful) temporary nerfs by the ITC, it still seems to be the best option moving forward (Daemon summoning, Eldar, and Tau be damned).
I think I have settled on a list that gives me a relatively great chance to win. I could tweak it a bit but think it is the way to go moving forward. I played a game against an IG player and it performed a bit better than expected. We called the game at the end of Turn 2 pretty much. But I will face a rematch of a more optimized list. The big thing is I think I can finally move forward with painting a lot of this list for BeakyCon 6!
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Switching Gears
I remember after playing my first few games of 40K with my friend LaMonte that I noted "Marines were great but they seemed to lack something". We often played with/against a friend of LaMonte's who had a pretty sizeable and very deadly Tau army. We were still total n00bs but I learned the hard way about ranged weapons that would bypass my armor.
After finishing one of our games, we got to talking about all the other armies in 40K. Rodney (our Tau buddy) brought up Necrons and how frustrating it could be to unload everything and still have them survive and stand right back up. My interest was piqued.
Back then they still had their old codex with something like 8 entries. People treated the Pariahs like...pariahs. Nobody took Flayed Ones. It was all Warriors, Monoliths, and Destroyers...with Immortals, Wraiths, and Destroyers for flavor. (Oh yeah...and there were these star gods you could use as well...) Still, the army looked cool. For a novice painter, it was a dream come true. Dry brush metal. Hit a shoulder pads with some color. Get awesome translucent rods for your guns to boot!
My how the Necrons have changed over the last 7 years. They were unofficially my 2nd army and I remember always getting excited when I was able to add a new unit to the mix. They've always been a very fun army to play and despite the changes to the fluff, I still find myself going back to them often for tournaments.
I'm right, the point of the post! I have been toying with all manner of armies but found myself wanting to play something different that could be fun. Necrons are far from unpopular, but they seem to have been lost in a sea of Mongolian Spess Mahrinz, Pointy Eared Sissies, and Communist Fish. Necrons are the original (lol and technically "only") decurion formation. The one that started a lot of this formation madness! But what about a different take on them?
As you may have guessed, I am really interested in using a C'Tan to see if I can use him well. In general everybody thinks that the C'Tan shards are garbage due to their slow movement speed and inability to pick their powers (it is random every time you shoot...and you have to choose what you are shooting even before you shoot said weapon). But I came across the Conclave of the Burning One formation from the Blood Angel campaign book. It is pretty simple and it seemingly helps to solve some of the problems the C'Tan shard will suffer. Hrmmm, I guess this is the list I am thinking of using:
Speak Softly, Carry a Big Voidreaper
Combined Arms Detachment - NecronsHQ - Destroyer Lord (Phase Shifter, Resurrection Orb, Voidreaper, Warlord) - 190 points
HQ - Orikan the Diviner - 120 points
Troop - 5x Immortals - 85 points
Troop - 5x Immortals - 85 points
Troop - 5x Immortals - 85 points
Elite - 9x Lichguard (Hyperphase Sword, Dispersion Shield)
Formation - Canoptek Harvest
Heavy Support - Canoptek Spyder (Gloom Prism) - 60 points
Fast Attack - 6x Canoptek Wraiths (Whip Coils x3) - 249 points
Fast Attack - 3x Canoptek Scarabs - 60 points
Formation - Conclave of the Burning One
Elite - C'Tan Shard of the Nightbringer - 240 points
HQ - Cryptek (The Veil of Darkness) - 90 points
HQ - Cryptek (The Solar Staff, The God Shackle, Phase Shifter) - 115 points
So right off the bat this list screams assault. I kept playing with lists that utilized the Decurion but mostly I found them to be a tax that didn't really help synergize with the rest of my army. I did get a +1 to my Reanimation Protocols but nothing really seemed scary. To make matters worse, I didn't even have ObSec to help me with objective based missions.
The one thing I really wanted from the Decurion was the ability to field the Canoptek Harvest. Even then, sometimes I thought that the Scarabs and Spyders were a bit of a tax. But I realized that I could start to somewhat create a small Scarab Farm that would be really useful if I faced Battle Company lists and their assortment of vehicles. Plus in this case, the Gloom Prism gives me a slightly better chance at denying some horrific Psychic power. The Wraiths are pretty straight forward. They're fast. They get in your face. They cause a real big stink, especially with Reanimation Protocols enabled. I always ran them with a Destroyer Lord when possible and this time would be no different. I did sacrifice a 2+ save in favor of the Voidreaper among other things. Still digging the list.
So cool. The whole idea of the Conclave formation is it forms a bit of a mini-deathstar. By taking a God Shackle, I effectively remove the pain of small arms fire (though admittedly Eldar still laugh with their Rending-Lite attacks). But suddenly gaining FNP also helps me weather some of that. Not to mention going from 4 wounds to a whopping 8 wounds total. I had thought about taking the Transcendent C'Tan but just found that Gaze of Death was too good to pass up. Additionally, I gave one of my Crypteks the one off Veil of Darkness to help me with those aforementioned mobility issues. If my opponents hide in their corner, "Surprize! Butsekz!" may happen.
Okay. So we have the Conclave acting as a deathstar. We have the classic wraith mini-deathstar (really more of a really assaulty unit). Do we need another?
Sure! Why not!?
So with that in mind I decided to finally take some Lichguard with the sword n' board load out. I originally had 10 but opted to eliminate one to help me better utilize some points. By themselves, they are pretty hardy but I knew I wanted something else to help them. Then along comes Mr. Orikan the Enabler. Suddenly, these guys are next level good. Their Reanimation Protocols go to 4+. They re-roll failed saves of 1 (which is great considering they have a 3+/3++). They are the anvil I will slowly march forward into my opponent's deployment zone. They don't have great tools to deal with 2+ saves, but that is what the Wraiths and C'Tan are there to help with. What's that you say? Mr. Orikan has been training with Goku?
He sure has! He may be a little shy but all it takes is that one roll and he goes super saiyan without needing to take a Perils of the Warp to activate it. Plus now it is permanent for the rest of the game!
Though they may seem like a tax, I actually really like the Immortals I took in the list. I had actually considered dropping stuff to perhaps try and fit 2 Night Scythes in (as it helps patch some of my aerial weaknesses and gives me rides to boot). But for now I'm just gonna stick with the 3 squads of *OBSEC* units.
This list is basically a bunch of assaulty goodness. It is relatively slow moving but has some tricks to get up the board. Necrons are survivable as hell and have the ability to put the hurt on a lot of things. This list even lets me have some ObSec units that normally would not have that ability in a Decurion.
Super low model count. Pretty slow movement. Generally ranged or template D could cause a problem. Stomps could cause a problem (luckily nothing can stomp per the event rules). There is next to no shooting in the list outside of some Immortals and the unreliable C'Tan powers. Of course, Psykers may also do a number on them.
I definitely plan to playtest this. About the only unit I need is a model for Orikan but I have a little over a month to get him, assemble him, and then paint him up. I can easily proxy something for him in the mean time. I am in the middle of stripping and repainting my Necrons but the scheme should be easy to carry out.
I hope to get a game in this week and give it a go against the practice mission Steve put up over on the BeakyCon6 blog.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Potential 40K List 2 - Iron Hands
So this was a pretty simple list to whip up as well. In the last few weeks I've seen it posted by The Long War guys among other people. To be honest, the idea is simple. Create a death star unit from a Bike squad that doesn't need Psyker powers but becomes *THAT MUCH BETTER* when they are utilized. I keep going back and forth on the details but want a few other options in the list as needed. Most use 4 total Librarians from the Conclave but I go with a minimum squad of 3.
So per the previous post, this is for BeakyCon. 1650 points, no Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures, no Superheavy Vehicles, and ITC rules.
Fist of Medusa Strike Force
Core - Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Chapter Master (Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Artificer Armor, Bike, The Gorgon's Chain) - 255 points
Elite - Command Squad (Bikes, Apothecary, 3x SS, 3x Power Fists) - 245 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Fast Attack - Bike Squad x3 (Grav Gun, Combi-Grav Gun) - 103 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad x5 - 70 points
Command - Librarius Conclave
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Axe) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Axe) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML1, Force Sword) - 65 points
Auxiliary - 10th Company Task Force
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Allies - Assassinorum
Elite - Culexus Assassin - 140 points
Allies - Space Marines (White Scars)
HQ - Librarian (ML1, Bike) - 85 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Fast Attack - Drop Pod - 35 points
Pretty straight forward. My original list only used a Captain instead of a Chapter Master however the benefits to the Chapter Master are hard to overlook. Especially given the way the Gorgon's Chain works with wounds. Just naturally the Chapter Master would have a 2+ FNP (5+ Base from Apothecary, +1 from Gorgon's Chain, +1 from Iron Hands Chapter Tactics, +1 for having an Iron Hands IC within 12"). The entire squad would have a 3+ FNP. I allied in White Scars for Hit and Run and Skilled Rider. It was a toss up between a Tech Marine and a Librarian but for now the benefit of another Warp Charge is too good to pass up.
2 of the Librarians would join the Command Squad with the sole White Scars Librarian. The remaining Librarian would most likely join one of the Tactical Squads or perhaps the Devastators. Nothing fancy. I could deploy him close for a 2+ harnessing of Warp Charges as well if I so desired.
Having a total of 4 Scout Squads would give me deployment versatility in the later game. I'd most likely hold everything in reserve if at all possible. I opted to go with a Grav Biker squad as I have the models built but also to give me the option to put the hurt on another high armor save unit as needed. It is either that or buy a few Rhinos or weaponry for the Tactical Squads. In the games I have seen, that is not the best way to utilize the Tactical Squads if they have no Rhino.
I did opt to bring a Culexus in this list to help me deal with other Psykers. If I can shut down an opponent's Psykers but give mine a chance to flourish, I'm that much ahead of the game. I could also opt to simply have my Culexus knuckle up with an opponent's Culexus.
Extremely hard to take out the Deathstar without full D or Stomps. Librarius will give me opportunities to cast very useful powers. Even without Angels of Death, Misfortune? Divination Powers? Psychic Scream? Too good.
The strategy is very static. It still takes a great general to play well but it won't win you any sportsmanship awards. I could see games being very boring but I'd have to playtest it to figure it out. In a tournament with 32 players, it wouldn't surprise me to see at least 3-4 of this type of list minimum. There isn't any good source of anti-air but I feel you might not need it as the flyers need to hover to claim objectives...and then they are open to getting assaulted.
Decisions, decisions!
*Edit - Well, evidently I didn't realize that there is a rule that seems to cancel out Chapter Tactics when multiple guys are in the same squad? I need to investigate it a bit more because otherwise I need to find another source of Hit and Run. Of course the one choice that always pops up are Sisters of Battle and St. Celestine. I would lose the Culexus Assassin's Drop Pod, but probably push on points costs.
So this was a pretty simple list to whip up as well. In the last few weeks I've seen it posted by The Long War guys among other people. To be honest, the idea is simple. Create a death star unit from a Bike squad that doesn't need Psyker powers but becomes *THAT MUCH BETTER* when they are utilized. I keep going back and forth on the details but want a few other options in the list as needed. Most use 4 total Librarians from the Conclave but I go with a minimum squad of 3.
So per the previous post, this is for BeakyCon. 1650 points, no Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures, no Superheavy Vehicles, and ITC rules.
Fist of Medusa Strike Force
Core - Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Chapter Master (Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Artificer Armor, Bike, The Gorgon's Chain) - 255 points
Elite - Command Squad (Bikes, Apothecary, 3x SS, 3x Power Fists) - 245 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Fast Attack - Bike Squad x3 (Grav Gun, Combi-Grav Gun) - 103 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad x5 - 70 points
Command - Librarius Conclave
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Axe) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML2, Bike, Force Axe) - 110 points
HQ - Librarian (ML1, Force Sword) - 65 points
Auxiliary - 10th Company Task Force
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Allies - Assassinorum
Elite - Culexus Assassin - 140 points
Allies - Space Marines (White Scars)
HQ - Librarian (ML1, Bike) - 85 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 - 55 points
Fast Attack - Drop Pod - 35 points
Pretty straight forward. My original list only used a Captain instead of a Chapter Master however the benefits to the Chapter Master are hard to overlook. Especially given the way the Gorgon's Chain works with wounds. Just naturally the Chapter Master would have a 2+ FNP (5+ Base from Apothecary, +1 from Gorgon's Chain, +1 from Iron Hands Chapter Tactics, +1 for having an Iron Hands IC within 12"). The entire squad would have a 3+ FNP. I allied in White Scars for Hit and Run and Skilled Rider. It was a toss up between a Tech Marine and a Librarian but for now the benefit of another Warp Charge is too good to pass up.
2 of the Librarians would join the Command Squad with the sole White Scars Librarian. The remaining Librarian would most likely join one of the Tactical Squads or perhaps the Devastators. Nothing fancy. I could deploy him close for a 2+ harnessing of Warp Charges as well if I so desired.
Having a total of 4 Scout Squads would give me deployment versatility in the later game. I'd most likely hold everything in reserve if at all possible. I opted to go with a Grav Biker squad as I have the models built but also to give me the option to put the hurt on another high armor save unit as needed. It is either that or buy a few Rhinos or weaponry for the Tactical Squads. In the games I have seen, that is not the best way to utilize the Tactical Squads if they have no Rhino.
I did opt to bring a Culexus in this list to help me deal with other Psykers. If I can shut down an opponent's Psykers but give mine a chance to flourish, I'm that much ahead of the game. I could also opt to simply have my Culexus knuckle up with an opponent's Culexus.
Extremely hard to take out the Deathstar without full D or Stomps. Librarius will give me opportunities to cast very useful powers. Even without Angels of Death, Misfortune? Divination Powers? Psychic Scream? Too good.
The strategy is very static. It still takes a great general to play well but it won't win you any sportsmanship awards. I could see games being very boring but I'd have to playtest it to figure it out. In a tournament with 32 players, it wouldn't surprise me to see at least 3-4 of this type of list minimum. There isn't any good source of anti-air but I feel you might not need it as the flyers need to hover to claim objectives...and then they are open to getting assaulted.
Decisions, decisions!
*Edit - Well, evidently I didn't realize that there is a rule that seems to cancel out Chapter Tactics when multiple guys are in the same squad? I need to investigate it a bit more because otherwise I need to find another source of Hit and Run. Of course the one choice that always pops up are Sisters of Battle and St. Celestine. I would lose the Culexus Assassin's Drop Pod, but probably push on points costs.
Potential 40K List 1 - Raven Guard
So wow, 3 posts in one day. In all fairness I meant to start this blog back on Wednesday of this past week. But instead held off until I had time today. Before I had even had a chance to play my game on Saturday I had started toying with a Raven Guard list. While the color scheme for Raven Guard is nice, I think I would go for a successor chapter to vary the coloring a bit.
Again, this is in preparation for BeakyCon. 1650 points, no Gargantuan, no Superheavies, ITC rules. Here's the list I am thinking about:
Talon Strike Force
Core - Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Captain (The Armour of Shadows, Jump Pack) - 140 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 (1x Meltagun, Rhino) - 115 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 (1x Meltagun, Rhino) - 115 points
Troop - Tactical Squad x5 - 70 points
Fast Attack - Attack Bike Squad - 40 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad - 70 points
Auxiliary - Shadowstrike Kill Team
Troop - Scout Squad x5 (1x Meltabomb) - 60 points
Troop - Scout Squad x5 (1x Meltabomb) - 60 points
Elite - Vanguard Veteran Squad x10 (Jump Packs, PF/SS on Sergeant, 1x PF, 2x SS, 4x LC, 2x Power Sword, 1x Power Axe) - 315 points
Formation - Skyhammer Annihilation Force (Salamanders Chapter Tactics)
Fast Attack - Assault Squad x5 (Jump packs, 2x Flamer, Veteran Sergeant, 1x Combat Shield, 1x Power Sword) - 125 points
Fast Attack - Assault Squad x5 (Jump packs, Veteran Sergeant, 1x Combat Shield, 1x Power Axe) - 125 points - 115 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad x5 (Drop Pod, 3x Grav Cannon) - 210 points
Heavy Support - Devastator Squad x10 (Drop Pod, 4x Heavy Bolters) - 215 points
Not too fancy. So I'm still not sure what to do with the Captain. In theory I want to join him to something but don't want to deploy him solo. He can't join the Skyhammer Assault Marines nor the Vanguard Veterans, so that means I could just put him in Cataphractii Terminator Armor, throw him in with a Devastator Squad, and call it a day. For now I just am using a placeholder of 140 points.
I kept the Battle Demi-Company fairly simple. I just need to "pay the tax" to get the other goodies. I gave my Scout Sergeants Meltabombs in case they need it. The real money maker are the Vanguard Veterans. I went with a squad of 10 and then opted to give my Sergeant a Powerfist and Storm Shield to deal with various threats. I have 2 Veterans with dual LC's. One Veteran has a Powerfist and a SS. The other only has a Power Axe (similar role for AP2). Lastly I have 2 stock Vets with a Power Sword and that leaves me with 3x "regular" Veterans meant to carve up whomever they need. My plans are to combat squad as needed and send one target to hunt elite or 2+ armor save targets. The others will go for "squishier targets".
Because Assaulting from reserves is the thing, I continued with the Skyhammer Annihilation Force. I opted for Salamanders Chapter tactics to give me re-rolls on Flamers but more specifically to mastercraft weapons. I think that I might change this to Ultramarines as Doctrines are far more effective at getting me what I need on any given turn.
One Assault Squad is meant to deal with fodder units and things that will succumb to AP3 attacks. I gave my Veteran Sergeant a Combat Shield to have a prayer in case he faces another opponent with AP3. The other Squad has a Power Axe to deal with slightly tougher enemies. I've considered giving them both Power Swords and Meltabombs instead however. I had to pay the Veteran Sergeant upgrade for the added attack.
The real interesting portions of this list are the Devastators. One squad is a static Grav Cannon Squad. 3x Grav Cannons in most situations are more than enough to wipe a unit or put enough wounds to make a stink. The other unit I blatantly copied from Reece from Frontline Gaming. The idea of pinning units using Heavy Bolters is huge, especially with so many assault units running around all over the place. In an ideal world I combat squad and let half of my larger Devastator unit push up and harass while the Heavy Bolters find some cover and control the middle of the board.
This list gives me the ability to tie up at least 3 units in assault (overwatch not with-standing). It also lets me support by hurting 3 more units with pinning tests or at least denying overwatch. It give me plenty of scoring bodies. It provides some mobility on my ObSec units as well.
While it can put a hurt on Tau and Eldar, it would suffer to other purely assault lists. It has no air support. But worst of all, it offers no real good answers to death stars. Even Psyker Deathstars aren't shut down as I didn't drop a Culexus Assassin in the mix. I don't know if it has enough offense to deal with the non-death star units and does not have enough units to feed said death star.
My next list will most likely be a play on the dreaded Iron Hands deathstar. I have some Iron Hands sitting on the shelf so building it would be relatively easy. Any thoughts?
First 40K Game in Months
So yesterday I had the pleasure of getting my teeth kicked in first game in against an excellent Tau player (Angelo) in my area. I requested that my opponent bring a tournament list so it definitely looked brutal to the casual passerby. Still, I had a blast and was not-so-subtly reminded that my list would need a lot of work if I wanted to play it in a tournament and win.
Space Marines have gotten a lot of love recently and know they can be ultra competitive. I know White Scars are the dominant Chapter Tactic to take. But still, I had to stick to my Salamanders (Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!) and see what they could do. The recent Angels of Death supplement gave them some pretty nifty new rules and I thought they might succeed.
We agreed to play the ITC Missions (we rolled up ITC Mission 2) at 1650 points per the BeakyCon rules and requirements. Here is the list I took:
Flameblade Strike Force
Core - Space Marine Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Vulkan He'Stan (Warlord) - 190 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Combi-Plasma, Drop Pod) - 120 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Combi-Plasma, Drop Pod) - 120 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Wrath of Prometheus, Rhino) - 120 points
Fast Attack - Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) - 50 points
Heavy Support - Devastators x5 (4x Multi-Melta, Drop Pod) - 145 points
Elite - Command Squad (4x Melta, Apothecary, Drop Pod) - 180 points
Command - Strike Force Command
HQ - Captain in Terminator Armor (Cataphractii Armor, Combi-Melta, Thunder Hammer) - 145 points
Auxiliary - Raptorwing
Fast Attack - Stormtalon (Skyhammer Missiles) - 115 points
Fast Attack - Stormtalon (Skyhammer Missiles) - 115 points
Fast Attack - Land Speeder (2x Heavy Flamer) - 50 points
Allies - Assassin Codex
Elite - Culexus Assassin - 140 points
Allies - Space Marines (Iron Hands)
HQ - Techmarine (Auspex) - 70 points
Troop - Scouts x5 - 55 points
Fast Attack - Drop Pod - 35 points
It was a pretty standard Drop Pod type list. I originally wanted more flamers but with Vulkan I felt that utilizing the Meltas would be best. I took the extra Captain HQ to give my Devastators Slow and Purposeful to fire when they arrived on the board. My Raptorwing was purely to face other flyers and my Culexus was obviously to shut down Psykers to the best of his ability. There are plenty of tweaks I could make to the list and had roughly 3 options but went with this one to see how effective aggressive MSU could be in this situation. My opponent asked me why I didn't take a Conclave and honestly I am just not sure they will be available for use with the new Spess Mahrinz powers for BeakyCon.
Y'all will have to forgive me because I haven't played my Tau since before the new codex dropped. So I am not completely familiar with all the newer stuff outside of the Stormsurge. I asked plenty of questions during our game. Going off memory, my opponent had the following list:
CAD - Tau
HQ - Commander (Iridium Suit, Drone Controller, 2x Plasma Guns, 2x Shield Drones)
Troops - 1x Crisis Suit (Twin-Linked Fusion Gun)
Troops - 1x Crisis Suit (Twin-Linked Flamer)
Fast Attack - Drone Unit (like 5x Marker Drones and 2x Shield Drones)
Riptide Wing
Elite - Riptide (Early Warning Override, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Ion Accelerator)
Elite - Riptide (Early Warning Override, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Heavy Burst Cannon)
Elite - Riptide (Skyfire, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Ion Accelerator)
Optimized Stealth Cadre (?)
??? - 3x Ghostkeels (with the 6 shot gun, 2x Drones each)
??? - 3x Stealth Suits (2x Burst Cannons, 1x Fusion Gun)
??? - 3x Stealth Suits (2x Burst Cannons, 1x Fusion Gun)
Again, my apologies for maybe not placing the guys in the right classification but just going off memory.
So deployment was Hammer and Anvil. Angelo won the roll off and elected for me to deploy and go first. I had null deployment so he set up with a pseudo castle around his Commander. I think the big issue this game would be the flamer overwatch in most cases. That, and having to find a way to penetrate cover out in the open along with bypassing 2+ Saves, Invulnerable Saves, and of course FNP. Angelo did not seize and our Warlord traits were not important to the mission.
Turn 1 I opted to pod in my Command Squad (with Vulkan and Techmarine attached), my Devastator Squad, and my Assassin. Each squad attempted to shoot at a different Riptide and I feel that was my first mistake. I also positioned my Apothecary so that he would be the first to take a LOS roll. Angelo opted to intercept both the Devastator Squad and the Command Squad with his 2 riptides. It was risky to use the large blast template but it paid off by doubling out my Command Squad and deny FNP. I had banked on the opportunity to use flamers against the Ghostkeel unit but that Mirrors ability that forces snap shots pretty much negates any chance for Flamers to be effective (or really just about anything else). Being able to use it 3 times in a row would prove to be overly brutal.
I put a few wounds on each riptide before he managed to clean up on his turn. My Assassin managed to mostly avoid any shots sent his way. Angelo used the ability to "shoot twice" as a way to fire his riptides again on his turn. I haven't read the rules but reviewing a bit on line makes me wonder if that was even possible as using Interceptor means you'd normally forgo being able to use those weapons on his turn. Guess I learned something new. In the end, he managed to clean up both of the squads leaving me with an Iron Hands Drop Pod (in orange) and an assassin hidden behind the green fortification.
I know we score Maelstrom objectives at the beginning of our next turn but he managed toscore the "Destroy and Enemy Unit" and I scored "Have a Scoring Unit at least partially within 12" of the enemy deployment edge". Wow...just re-reading that I clearly see that I didn't play that right as I read it as "deployment zone", not edge...guess that impacts the scoring another few times. So that should have been 0-1, not 1-1 Maelstrom. Angelo got First Strike, and Slay the Warlord already.

I rolled for reserves and managed to get my Rhino Squad, my Land Speeder, and one Drop Pod squad in. The two Stormtalons came in automatically per the formation. Nobody opted to intercept so I continued with my turn. I tried to charge my Assassin into the Ghostkeel unit but 2 of them were within range to use their flamers. 6 Flamer Hits, 4 wounds, and 3 failed saves later I knew the game was pretty much over. My Assassin died and my pod scattered too far to have any chance at capturing the Relic on that turn. Plus I knew I would not be able to avoid the Tau shooting with them being so close to the board. I opted to shoot my two Stormtalons at the one Riptide with Skyfire but got 1 rending attack. So now I had 3 riptides running around with maybe 1 or 2 wounds max and outside of a few dead drones, nothing else.
On his turn, Angelo cleaned up my Land Speeder, my Iron Hands Drop Pod, and one of my Stormtalons. He also cut the newly arrived Drop Pod marine unit in half. Unfortunately they did not fall back (which at this point would've gotten me closer to the relic). I managed to score Maelstrom Objective 1. Angelo scored Destroy an Enemy Unit x2. So we're at 1-3.
Going for broke (and having rolled Maelstrom Objective 2), I deployed my last remaining Drop Pod near Objective 2 and brought my Bike onto the table. My two remaining Drop Pod 1 marines ran and for a short moment captured the Relic. I was going to try and hide my 2nd Drop Pod squad but had a mental lapse and deployed them in sight of a Riptide. They were Intercepted by an Ion Cannon that made quick work of that squad. My only saving grace was my Drop Pod was still there to capture Maelstrom Objective 2.
On his turn, Angelo took out my remaining flyer, the Marines with the Relic, and one more Drop Pod. I could've quit the game but opted to keep going for some masochistic reason. I scored Maelstrom Objective 2. He scored 2x Destroy an Enemy Unit. So the running tally for Maelstrom was 2-5.

At this point my Scouts finally came in and chose to Outflank and came on the one side of the left side of the board. I tried running them to the point where they weren't visible to any Riptide of Ghostkeel but there was a lone window (and some SMS Missiles) that would ruin that plan. I moved my Attack Bike forward to attempt and put a wound on the Commander but whiffed on the wound roll. My Rhino Squad opted to move forward to grab Maelstrom Objective 1.
Angelo Deep Struck one of his Crisis Suits near my Marines but scattered on top of the building. My Bike took a smattering of Tau fire and succumbed to his wounds. My opponent cleaned up all but 1 of my Iron Hands scouts (who miraculously made his 6++ FNP roll). The Tau Commander grabbed the Relic. I scored Maelstrom Objective 1 and Angelo scored Maelstrom Objective 2 and (yet again) claimed the Destroy and Enemy Unit. Maelstrom 3-7.

For the Emprah!
hah...that is about all I can say about this turn. I drew 3 horrible Maelstrom objectives but that game was out of reach regardless.
I had nowhere to go and nothing to really use. I shot my one Marine Squad at the lone Crisis Suit and made his xeno-ass pay for his transgressions. That made me feel good. I ended my turn with a Rhino, 5x Tactical Marines, and a lone Iron Hands Scout.
Angelo used his turn to clean up the Scout and cut my Marine squad in half. He took the Relic slowly back to his deployment zone and scored 2 more Maelstrom Objectives (I forget which ones). 3-9.
We rolled to see if the game ended but un-mercifully we continued onto Turn 6.
I didn't even try and roll for Maelstrom. I tried taking out a Crisis Suit with my remaining Tactical Squad but failed. His riptides closed in, blew up the Rhino, and killed the remaining 3x Marines. The game came to a very unceremonious end.
Though we didn't score Table Quarters clearly Angelo won that Bonus Point as well. The final score would have been 11-0 in favor of Angelo as I only managed to take out his Drones and a single Crisis Suit much later in the game than expected. So no shot at First Strike either.
We discussed post-game that putting Flamers on his Ghostkeels was huge as it prevented my Assassin from assaulting in. I think in close combat he stood a chance at forcing a leadership check and perhaps sweeping them away. The Riptides were the real threat most of the game however.
Vulkan is a nice HQ but he is too expensive and Melta attacks are too easily shrugged off. Sure they are great at bringing down Void Shields or taking out armor...but Grav is really the answer to most units. Being able to assault from reserves is another trick that would help me greatly not only against Tau but Eldar as well (especially with Wraith Knights being absent from this format).
Angelo was very paranoid when I deep struck in on Turn 1 and he expressed his frustrations with such Space Marine lists. I knew however that I would have a hard time causing any damage with shooting alone. This list may have performed well against Battle Company lists or perhaps even KDK...but not against a monster mash or heavy flyer type list. Definitely not against Warp Spiders (Eldar), Tau, or Superfriends variants.
I have some ideas about Raven Guard that I would like to flesh out a bit more. I don't want to take an Iron Hands deathstar or White Scars, but per our conversation of the Florida meta, I will need to to have any shot at performing well at BeakyCon. I definitely rolled poorly this game but not so far out of the norm to really think it impacted the game much.
Space Marines have gotten a lot of love recently and know they can be ultra competitive. I know White Scars are the dominant Chapter Tactic to take. But still, I had to stick to my Salamanders (Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!) and see what they could do. The recent Angels of Death supplement gave them some pretty nifty new rules and I thought they might succeed.
We agreed to play the ITC Missions (we rolled up ITC Mission 2) at 1650 points per the BeakyCon rules and requirements. Here is the list I took:
Flameblade Strike Force
Core - Space Marine Battle Demi-Company
HQ - Vulkan He'Stan (Warlord) - 190 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Combi-Plasma, Drop Pod) - 120 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Combi-Plasma, Drop Pod) - 120 points
Troop - Tactical Marines x5 (Flamer, Wrath of Prometheus, Rhino) - 120 points
Fast Attack - Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) - 50 points
Heavy Support - Devastators x5 (4x Multi-Melta, Drop Pod) - 145 points
Elite - Command Squad (4x Melta, Apothecary, Drop Pod) - 180 points
Command - Strike Force Command
HQ - Captain in Terminator Armor (Cataphractii Armor, Combi-Melta, Thunder Hammer) - 145 points
Auxiliary - Raptorwing
Fast Attack - Stormtalon (Skyhammer Missiles) - 115 points
Fast Attack - Stormtalon (Skyhammer Missiles) - 115 points
Fast Attack - Land Speeder (2x Heavy Flamer) - 50 points
Allies - Assassin Codex
Elite - Culexus Assassin - 140 points
Allies - Space Marines (Iron Hands)
HQ - Techmarine (Auspex) - 70 points
Troop - Scouts x5 - 55 points
Fast Attack - Drop Pod - 35 points
It was a pretty standard Drop Pod type list. I originally wanted more flamers but with Vulkan I felt that utilizing the Meltas would be best. I took the extra Captain HQ to give my Devastators Slow and Purposeful to fire when they arrived on the board. My Raptorwing was purely to face other flyers and my Culexus was obviously to shut down Psykers to the best of his ability. There are plenty of tweaks I could make to the list and had roughly 3 options but went with this one to see how effective aggressive MSU could be in this situation. My opponent asked me why I didn't take a Conclave and honestly I am just not sure they will be available for use with the new Spess Mahrinz powers for BeakyCon.
Y'all will have to forgive me because I haven't played my Tau since before the new codex dropped. So I am not completely familiar with all the newer stuff outside of the Stormsurge. I asked plenty of questions during our game. Going off memory, my opponent had the following list:
CAD - Tau
HQ - Commander (Iridium Suit, Drone Controller, 2x Plasma Guns, 2x Shield Drones)
Troops - 1x Crisis Suit (Twin-Linked Fusion Gun)
Troops - 1x Crisis Suit (Twin-Linked Flamer)
Fast Attack - Drone Unit (like 5x Marker Drones and 2x Shield Drones)
Riptide Wing
Elite - Riptide (Early Warning Override, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Ion Accelerator)
Elite - Riptide (Early Warning Override, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Heavy Burst Cannon)
Elite - Riptide (Skyfire, Missile Pods, Feel No Pain, Ion Accelerator)
Optimized Stealth Cadre (?)
??? - 3x Ghostkeels (with the 6 shot gun, 2x Drones each)
??? - 3x Stealth Suits (2x Burst Cannons, 1x Fusion Gun)
??? - 3x Stealth Suits (2x Burst Cannons, 1x Fusion Gun)
Again, my apologies for maybe not placing the guys in the right classification but just going off memory.
So deployment was Hammer and Anvil. Angelo won the roll off and elected for me to deploy and go first. I had null deployment so he set up with a pseudo castle around his Commander. I think the big issue this game would be the flamer overwatch in most cases. That, and having to find a way to penetrate cover out in the open along with bypassing 2+ Saves, Invulnerable Saves, and of course FNP. Angelo did not seize and our Warlord traits were not important to the mission.
Turn 1
Turn 1 I opted to pod in my Command Squad (with Vulkan and Techmarine attached), my Devastator Squad, and my Assassin. Each squad attempted to shoot at a different Riptide and I feel that was my first mistake. I also positioned my Apothecary so that he would be the first to take a LOS roll. Angelo opted to intercept both the Devastator Squad and the Command Squad with his 2 riptides. It was risky to use the large blast template but it paid off by doubling out my Command Squad and deny FNP. I had banked on the opportunity to use flamers against the Ghostkeel unit but that Mirrors ability that forces snap shots pretty much negates any chance for Flamers to be effective (or really just about anything else). Being able to use it 3 times in a row would prove to be overly brutal.
I put a few wounds on each riptide before he managed to clean up on his turn. My Assassin managed to mostly avoid any shots sent his way. Angelo used the ability to "shoot twice" as a way to fire his riptides again on his turn. I haven't read the rules but reviewing a bit on line makes me wonder if that was even possible as using Interceptor means you'd normally forgo being able to use those weapons on his turn. Guess I learned something new. In the end, he managed to clean up both of the squads leaving me with an Iron Hands Drop Pod (in orange) and an assassin hidden behind the green fortification.
I know we score Maelstrom objectives at the beginning of our next turn but he managed toscore the "Destroy and Enemy Unit" and I scored "Have a Scoring Unit at least partially within 12" of the enemy deployment edge". Wow...just re-reading that I clearly see that I didn't play that right as I read it as "deployment zone", not edge...guess that impacts the scoring another few times. So that should have been 0-1, not 1-1 Maelstrom. Angelo got First Strike, and Slay the Warlord already.
Turn 2
I rolled for reserves and managed to get my Rhino Squad, my Land Speeder, and one Drop Pod squad in. The two Stormtalons came in automatically per the formation. Nobody opted to intercept so I continued with my turn. I tried to charge my Assassin into the Ghostkeel unit but 2 of them were within range to use their flamers. 6 Flamer Hits, 4 wounds, and 3 failed saves later I knew the game was pretty much over. My Assassin died and my pod scattered too far to have any chance at capturing the Relic on that turn. Plus I knew I would not be able to avoid the Tau shooting with them being so close to the board. I opted to shoot my two Stormtalons at the one Riptide with Skyfire but got 1 rending attack. So now I had 3 riptides running around with maybe 1 or 2 wounds max and outside of a few dead drones, nothing else.
On his turn, Angelo cleaned up my Land Speeder, my Iron Hands Drop Pod, and one of my Stormtalons. He also cut the newly arrived Drop Pod marine unit in half. Unfortunately they did not fall back (which at this point would've gotten me closer to the relic). I managed to score Maelstrom Objective 1. Angelo scored Destroy an Enemy Unit x2. So we're at 1-3.
Turn 3
Going for broke (and having rolled Maelstrom Objective 2), I deployed my last remaining Drop Pod near Objective 2 and brought my Bike onto the table. My two remaining Drop Pod 1 marines ran and for a short moment captured the Relic. I was going to try and hide my 2nd Drop Pod squad but had a mental lapse and deployed them in sight of a Riptide. They were Intercepted by an Ion Cannon that made quick work of that squad. My only saving grace was my Drop Pod was still there to capture Maelstrom Objective 2.
On his turn, Angelo took out my remaining flyer, the Marines with the Relic, and one more Drop Pod. I could've quit the game but opted to keep going for some masochistic reason. I scored Maelstrom Objective 2. He scored 2x Destroy an Enemy Unit. So the running tally for Maelstrom was 2-5.
Turn 4
At this point my Scouts finally came in and chose to Outflank and came on the one side of the left side of the board. I tried running them to the point where they weren't visible to any Riptide of Ghostkeel but there was a lone window (and some SMS Missiles) that would ruin that plan. I moved my Attack Bike forward to attempt and put a wound on the Commander but whiffed on the wound roll. My Rhino Squad opted to move forward to grab Maelstrom Objective 1.
Angelo Deep Struck one of his Crisis Suits near my Marines but scattered on top of the building. My Bike took a smattering of Tau fire and succumbed to his wounds. My opponent cleaned up all but 1 of my Iron Hands scouts (who miraculously made his 6++ FNP roll). The Tau Commander grabbed the Relic. I scored Maelstrom Objective 1 and Angelo scored Maelstrom Objective 2 and (yet again) claimed the Destroy and Enemy Unit. Maelstrom 3-7.
Turn 5
For the Emprah!
hah...that is about all I can say about this turn. I drew 3 horrible Maelstrom objectives but that game was out of reach regardless.
I had nowhere to go and nothing to really use. I shot my one Marine Squad at the lone Crisis Suit and made his xeno-ass pay for his transgressions. That made me feel good. I ended my turn with a Rhino, 5x Tactical Marines, and a lone Iron Hands Scout.
Angelo used his turn to clean up the Scout and cut my Marine squad in half. He took the Relic slowly back to his deployment zone and scored 2 more Maelstrom Objectives (I forget which ones). 3-9.
We rolled to see if the game ended but un-mercifully we continued onto Turn 6.
Turn 6
(No Picture)I didn't even try and roll for Maelstrom. I tried taking out a Crisis Suit with my remaining Tactical Squad but failed. His riptides closed in, blew up the Rhino, and killed the remaining 3x Marines. The game came to a very unceremonious end.
Though we didn't score Table Quarters clearly Angelo won that Bonus Point as well. The final score would have been 11-0 in favor of Angelo as I only managed to take out his Drones and a single Crisis Suit much later in the game than expected. So no shot at First Strike either.
While I cannot say I am surprised at the outcome, it was a bit of a brutal first game back. I found that I am not nearly as rusty with the general rules as I am with the specifics of other armies. I think that is one of the biggest differences between pretenders and contenders for any tournament. Knowing what your opponent can do (at least in general) goes a long way to helping you plan out a more effective strategy.We discussed post-game that putting Flamers on his Ghostkeels was huge as it prevented my Assassin from assaulting in. I think in close combat he stood a chance at forcing a leadership check and perhaps sweeping them away. The Riptides were the real threat most of the game however.
Vulkan is a nice HQ but he is too expensive and Melta attacks are too easily shrugged off. Sure they are great at bringing down Void Shields or taking out armor...but Grav is really the answer to most units. Being able to assault from reserves is another trick that would help me greatly not only against Tau but Eldar as well (especially with Wraith Knights being absent from this format).
Angelo was very paranoid when I deep struck in on Turn 1 and he expressed his frustrations with such Space Marine lists. I knew however that I would have a hard time causing any damage with shooting alone. This list may have performed well against Battle Company lists or perhaps even KDK...but not against a monster mash or heavy flyer type list. Definitely not against Warp Spiders (Eldar), Tau, or Superfriends variants.
I have some ideas about Raven Guard that I would like to flesh out a bit more. I don't want to take an Iron Hands deathstar or White Scars, but per our conversation of the Florida meta, I will need to to have any shot at performing well at BeakyCon. I definitely rolled poorly this game but not so far out of the norm to really think it impacted the game much.
Birth of a Blog
Hi there. My name is Heri Gonzalez and I am a miniature wargamer. I live on the space coast of Florida and thought I'd give this a go. I am really not sure if I will get many people to follow or read this thing, but this is my second foray into the world of blogging. I created another blog once upon a time that did have some wargaming, college football, and other random posts. This time around I am trying to focus a bit more...kinda...

I moved to Florida from Texas roughly a little over a year ago for work and found myself in a new area with little to no friends. I've tried throughout the past year to join groups but between work and home life I haven't had much of a chance to get nearly as much gaming as I'd like. But for the moment I have some goals and this will be a way of helping me keep track of progress and keep some few friends abreast of what is happening on that end.
...the title of this blog is meant to kinda explain the main topics of this blog. "Dice" because I will focus on mostly dice games. I may even dabble a bit into some of Fantasy Flight's Warhammer 40K RPG's (Only War really interests me).
The "Kings" portion is in reference to Kings of War. Warhammer Fantasy was one of the first games that finally grabbed my interest enough to take the plunge into miniature wargaming. I played some 7th and 8th edition but ultimately never had much luck. Recently my local FLGS (Dogs of War) invited some guys over from Tampa to help demo Kings of War. The game itself seems pretty simple and yet still gives fantasy wargamers a chance to retain the rank and file aspect of the hobby.
The ability to multi-base is also huge. I have several fantasy armies but opted to go with The Herd mostly because I had a small amount of Minotaurs and Beastmen to serve as my base. Already I have picked up a Ghorgon model, some more Beastmen, and some Warhounds to grow my fledgling army. I already had about 10 Minotaurs, about 30 or so Beastmen, and some Chariots to help get me on my way. So I will definitely attempt to catalogue all I'm doing along the way.
hah, I'm more than aware that many people loathe the idea of Space Marines, 40k, and just about anything GW. But despite my dabbling with other systems I always find I have the most fun whenever something occurs in this universe. I've definitely invested quite a bit but that aside, I just have fun playing the game no matter what the edition. I jumped in on the tail end of 4th but enough interaction with the old guard and reading online has given me a better understanding of how the game has changed throughout the last 30+ years.
It is a bit frustrating at times though. We are currently living in a great era where Kickstarter and other platforms have allowed a plethora of miniature wargames to exist. Despite that it doesn't matter where I go (both online and in the real world), there are more than enough people there ready to shit on you and talk crap about 40K, GW, or you based solely on the fact that you're playing the game. Just yesterday I have to admit that I let it get to me when some beardy jerk kept talking crap about the game and to an extent the people who play it.
Eh. The game isn't perfect. There are definitely far more balanced games. But it is still the game that I love to play and it offers a lot of different formats for people to play.
Far and away, Salamanders are my favorite army. I love the fluff. I love the look. I love *HOW* they play on the board. They aren't the most competitive (and yesterday was a good reminder of that fact), but have the tools to do just about anything.
I currently do have goals. For role-playing, I'd like to learn the rules for Only War and potentially run games for local people. Just gotta see if there is anybody interested in the game system.
For Kings of War my goal is a lot simpler. I'd like to have a functioning and (hopefully) competitive list to play at 2000 points by the end of August. I would like to have it fully painted and based too. I am a pretty mediocre painter but generally think I paint well enough for the table top.
For Warhammer 40K, my immediate goal is to finally settle on an army and honestly get more games in. Before yesterday I think it was roughly 7 months since my last game. But more long term I am preparing for BeakyCon over in Tampa. I have already paid my registration and am looking to get a hotel room soon. It is an interesting format as there will be no Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures, no Super Heavy Vehicles, and will happen at 1650 points. I look forward to the challenge and ideally I hope to have a decent showing. I could very well go 0-5 but hope to at least go 2-3. There's a lot of rust to knock off.
In the long term, I would like to go to some major convention/tournament. I was originally eyeing Texas WarGamesCon or the LVO would be great too. I wouldn't mind trying to go to one for Kings of War...but I'm in even worse shape for that than I am for 40K.
I guess I should end this now. I'll try to post at least twice a week and post some pictures and updates. If you're still here, thanks for reading! Happy wargaming to all...and am looking forward to more posts in the future.

I moved to Florida from Texas roughly a little over a year ago for work and found myself in a new area with little to no friends. I've tried throughout the past year to join groups but between work and home life I haven't had much of a chance to get nearly as much gaming as I'd like. But for the moment I have some goals and this will be a way of helping me keep track of progress and keep some few friends abreast of what is happening on that end.
...the title of this blog is meant to kinda explain the main topics of this blog. "Dice" because I will focus on mostly dice games. I may even dabble a bit into some of Fantasy Flight's Warhammer 40K RPG's (Only War really interests me).
The "Kings" portion is in reference to Kings of War. Warhammer Fantasy was one of the first games that finally grabbed my interest enough to take the plunge into miniature wargaming. I played some 7th and 8th edition but ultimately never had much luck. Recently my local FLGS (Dogs of War) invited some guys over from Tampa to help demo Kings of War. The game itself seems pretty simple and yet still gives fantasy wargamers a chance to retain the rank and file aspect of the hobby.
The ability to multi-base is also huge. I have several fantasy armies but opted to go with The Herd mostly because I had a small amount of Minotaurs and Beastmen to serve as my base. Already I have picked up a Ghorgon model, some more Beastmen, and some Warhounds to grow my fledgling army. I already had about 10 Minotaurs, about 30 or so Beastmen, and some Chariots to help get me on my way. So I will definitely attempt to catalogue all I'm doing along the way.
hah, I'm more than aware that many people loathe the idea of Space Marines, 40k, and just about anything GW. But despite my dabbling with other systems I always find I have the most fun whenever something occurs in this universe. I've definitely invested quite a bit but that aside, I just have fun playing the game no matter what the edition. I jumped in on the tail end of 4th but enough interaction with the old guard and reading online has given me a better understanding of how the game has changed throughout the last 30+ years.
It is a bit frustrating at times though. We are currently living in a great era where Kickstarter and other platforms have allowed a plethora of miniature wargames to exist. Despite that it doesn't matter where I go (both online and in the real world), there are more than enough people there ready to shit on you and talk crap about 40K, GW, or you based solely on the fact that you're playing the game. Just yesterday I have to admit that I let it get to me when some beardy jerk kept talking crap about the game and to an extent the people who play it.
Eh. The game isn't perfect. There are definitely far more balanced games. But it is still the game that I love to play and it offers a lot of different formats for people to play.
Far and away, Salamanders are my favorite army. I love the fluff. I love the look. I love *HOW* they play on the board. They aren't the most competitive (and yesterday was a good reminder of that fact), but have the tools to do just about anything.
I currently do have goals. For role-playing, I'd like to learn the rules for Only War and potentially run games for local people. Just gotta see if there is anybody interested in the game system.
For Kings of War my goal is a lot simpler. I'd like to have a functioning and (hopefully) competitive list to play at 2000 points by the end of August. I would like to have it fully painted and based too. I am a pretty mediocre painter but generally think I paint well enough for the table top.
For Warhammer 40K, my immediate goal is to finally settle on an army and honestly get more games in. Before yesterday I think it was roughly 7 months since my last game. But more long term I am preparing for BeakyCon over in Tampa. I have already paid my registration and am looking to get a hotel room soon. It is an interesting format as there will be no Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures, no Super Heavy Vehicles, and will happen at 1650 points. I look forward to the challenge and ideally I hope to have a decent showing. I could very well go 0-5 but hope to at least go 2-3. There's a lot of rust to knock off.
In the long term, I would like to go to some major convention/tournament. I was originally eyeing Texas WarGamesCon or the LVO would be great too. I wouldn't mind trying to go to one for Kings of War...but I'm in even worse shape for that than I am for 40K.
I guess I should end this now. I'll try to post at least twice a week and post some pictures and updates. If you're still here, thanks for reading! Happy wargaming to all...and am looking forward to more posts in the future.
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