Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hobby Progress - Kings of War/Terrain

I've been focusing on trying to get more Kings of War guys ready to go to help my buddy Sanjay learn how to play the game.  It also gets me to the point where I play more Kings of War games with multiple options.

With that, I also need to be prepared to have *SOME* terrain for playing Kings of War.  So I managed to assemble a couple of cottages that aren't quite to scale, but should work great in a scenario where one force is assaulting a village.  I need to build up a few of my GW forests but for now, at least I have the beginnings.

I did manage to do a bit of work on some of my Beastmen too.  I had originally envisioned that these guys would be my Spirit Walkers but turns out Spirit Walkers are on 20 mm bases whereas only Longhorns are on 25 mm bases.

I think I'm going to switch it around so that the fluff in my army states that once a unit becomes a Longhorn, they paint their bodies in white for war.  That allows the rest of my units to still be whatever general Beastman color I want.

These guys aren't done super well but they're a work in progress.  I've picked out some details but haven't finished up what I'm doing.  For now I'm leaving them on square bases until I am done painting them and can put them on a scenic base.

Other Thoughts

I definitely need to work on my battle reports.  I know I've become a bit lazy when typing them up.  Normally I'm excited the night of but as time goes on the details fade and it gets harder to re-collect exactly what happened.  I try to take pictures at the top of every turn and at really big moments in the matches.

I've been toying with the ideas of recording batreps.  Does anybody have suggestions on what type of camera I should try to acquire?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Strangeway Games Tournament Report (04/15)

Originally I had planned on going into details about the narrative portion of my games at Crucible.  I may still talk about some games but as I had some car issues I was always a bit of a floater on the various teams vying for supremacy that weekend.  I did have 3 great games, 2 of which were doubles match ups with our 1000 point lists.  I did manage to go 3-0 that weekend with the same list.  I won't lie that I was a bit disappointed not to get to field my Conclave of the Burning One...

...still, I did have a ton of fun and look forward to the next narrative event!

That said, there was a tournament at Strangeway Games this past weekend.  It was 1500 points, no Come the Apocalypse Allies, and no Unbound Lists.  I had learned quite a bit of my Tyranids and as such opted to field the doubles list with a few things to help get me to 1500 points.

Tyranid Combined Arms Detachment

HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms) - 230 points
HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms) - 230 points

Troop - 30x Termagants (TL Spinefists x30) - 120 points
Troop - Tervigon (Electroshock Grubs) - 205 points

Elite - 2x Venomthrope - 90 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points

Heavy - 3x Biovores - 120 points

Formation - The First Curse (Genestealer Cult)

HQ - Patriarch (2x Genestealer Familiar, +1 Mastery Level) - 125 points
Elite  -20x Purestrain Genestealers - 280 points

1500 points on the nose.  I had toyed with different things to help me fill the last few points but opted to bring two Venomthropes to make it harder on my opponents to remove that necessary cover.  I was not sure how The First Curse formation would work but was confident I could at least have fun.

Upon arriving to Strangeway, it was different than the previous tournaments as only Skip and Blake were present (rather than 7-8 dudes ready to roll some dice).  People slowly started trickling in and while it initially looked like the tournament wouldn't make, we ended up with a total of 6 people ready to roll some dice.

Game 1 - Ynari Eldar

Game 1 I had the pleasure of playing against Darren, a guy I had met playing Frostgrave at a friend's house.  He brought an Ynari list that was focused mostly on Dark Eldar and Harlequin troops.  There was a single Eldar Autarch in the list (for Reserve manipulation I suspect).  The list was predicated on getting off some timely Soul Burst actions and having multiple units unload poison.  As a Tyranid player, this could work really well as I had no metal bawkses for me to hide my units.  I did however have two Flyrants and Psyker superiority.

The mission was Crusade (?  D3 + 2 Objectives).  I rolled a 3 for my Genestealers deployment and opted to deploy them near a Skyshield Landing pad so I could minimize any losses until I used Return to the Shadows.  Darren won the roll to deploy/go first and I failed to seize the initiative.

I deployed in such a way that all my units at the very least received a 3+ Cover Save (2+ in ruins).  Darren fired some pot shots first turn but other than losing about 4 Genestealers, was no worse for wear.  I pushed up my Flyrants and managed to take out both of the Venoms he had pushed up for pot shots.  I managed to pin both the units but also had my first chance to see Soulburst in action.  He managed to put 2 wounds on my Flyrant in my turn but his turn was next.

On his turn, Darren was unlucky and managed to only get one of his two "death squads" in.  One was a full unit of 7 Harlequins with Fusion Pistols and Harlequin Kisses.  In the unit was an Archon with a typical 2+ Shadowfield and a kitted out Autarch (Fusion Gun, Banshee Mask, Power Sword, etc).  The other "death squad" didn't come in and consisted of an Archon court with Slyth and Medusae and an Archon as well (with a Webway Portal).

Still, between the remaining warriors and the Harlequin shots, I lost my Warlord to a good amount of 6's rolled.  Darren was in disbelief but it was a good amount of focus fire that brought him down.  He turbo boosted some units around but that was it.  He did run his Harlequin unit and left his Warlord off on a far edge within the movement arc of my Flyrant.


On my turn I pushed my Flyrant up and used some Psychic Shriek shenanigans with my Genestealers.  I knew I could not charge but I could still push up and threaten some of the remaining units.  I shot my Flyrant at the Harlequin squad and hit with all my hits and wounded 10 times.  Darren passed all but two LOS rolls.  His Warlord had to make two saves.  One a 5.  The other...a 1.  Strength 6 meant he got insta-gibbed.

From this point on the game pretty much went downhill.  I managed to spread my troops out to capture two more objectives giving me a total of 3 (thanks to Objective Secured).  My Genestealers were eliminated by the Court of the Archon but at best Darren had one objective with my Flyrant contesting the last objective in his deployment.  The result was a very hard fought win for the Tyranids.  Already 1-0, I had met my one objective for the day.

Game 2 - Necron CAD

Interestingly enough, there were a total of 6 armies that day, 4 of which were purple.  My second match was against Anthony and his Necrons.  He had come to the store thinking there was an Apocalypse game to play, not a tournament.  Still he built a list and refused to field a Decurion detachment.  In hindsight he mentioned wanting to field a Monolith to help manipulate his Warriors' movement.

Anthony won the roll to go first and deploy first and like the last time I played against him, I rolled a 6 to Seize (I had the Warlord trait giving me +1 to my Seize roll).  Again I rolled a 3 for my Genestealers and opted to deploy in my zone and simply Return to the Shadows.  Maelstrom Objectives would be the name of the game.

I pushed up Turn 1 but was unable to do much damage.  In his turn he pushed up and took some pot shots on my Flyrants but did little damage.

Turn 2 proved to be very pivotal.  I put 2 or so wounds on the Lychguard and whittled down some of the Warriors and Immortals in his deployment zone.  I also managed to roll a 6 for my Genestealers to deploy within 3 inches of a unit and charge.  80 attacks at Strength 5 with Rending and I needed every single one of them to take out the Lychguard.

Having drawn very bad Maelstrom cards, Anthony made a very bold move to deep strike into my deployment and capture an objective (of which he had 2 cards) and eliminate a unit in the same turn.


Anthony pulled to an even 3-3 tie but in my turn I managed to score 3 more cards and eliminate his Warlord putting him behind the 8 ball.  He did bring in his Doom Scythe but with only a small blast and some Tesla, he could only do a limited amount of wounds on my units.

By the end of the game I had amassed around 12 or 13 points to Anthony's 3.  Amazingly my Tyranids had gone 2-0.  At this point Skip (the store owner) mentioned that I was the only player who had gone 2-0 with everybody else going 1-1 at this point.  As I had sent half of the players to 1-1, it was up to a random roll to see who would be my third opponent.

Skip drew the lucky number.

Game 3 - Emperor's Children plus Renegade Knight

While I wish I had pictures of the game, Skip respectfully asked me to abstain from taking pictures of the game.  He is participating in an online painting contest where pictures of his army have to reported in a specific way and it evidently limits what other pictures can be taken.

Skip's army was a bit of a ringer army with a couple of Chaos Space Marine squads as well as a unit of Chosen with a whole lot of Plasma Guns...all units in Rhinos with a bit of a mini-death star with a Chaos Lord, a Dark Apostle, and another Chaos Lord.  The big hitter in his army was a Renegade Knight with AA, horde unit control, and the D-Chainsword.

With it being another Maelstrom mission and me making a new unit of gaunts every turn for four straight turns, the writing was on the wall.  I slowly took out every unit he had except his Renegade Knight.  We got to the point where only his Knight remained but I had trouble putting more than 3 hull points on him.  We were the last game going but by turn 4 I was ahead on Maelstrom something like 9-1.

Victory was assured.  I had surprisingly gone 3-0 for the day and won best overall.  I received a good prize and opted to buy a Start Collecting box of Skitari.  It would allow me the chance to field a unit of Skitarii Rangers in case I wanted to mix things up.  It also puts me on the road to a War Convo if I opted to ever go that way in the future.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoy playing with Skip and the gang out at Strangeway Games.  I know that I can be a bit intense and tend to really zone in when playing the game.  While I don't think of myself as an unpleasant player I can see where I can lead to games where it isn't fun.

Should I drink a beer before every game?  Should I take some shots?  Should I just relax?

I don't know.  I did listen to a podcast the other day where last year's ITC winner talked about how the games against the "mid level" players are the worst.  They're so concerned with trying to get ahead that they'll do everything to win.  I'd like to think that winning doesn't matter as much but once victory is within my sights, I can't help but focus on it at the expense of banter.

In any case, some games have been ultra intense at Strangeway.  Others have been super fun.  Perhaps I really do need to offer other options where my opponent can go monster hunting or perhaps do a shooting gallery game.  If I concede to begin the game, does that remove any temptation of wanting to push for the W?

I plan on trying to go in to play in Apocalypse games in the future.  I think one is scheduled for the end of the month.  I'm also wanting to learn more Age of Sigmar at Strangeway as others are learning as well.

Saturday was a lot of fun.  I even got to leave in time to go enjoy an evening out with my wife at a nearby brewery.

I've considered giving away my own prizes for the best opponent I had.  Perhaps for the best tactician I faced.  Any ideas on what I should focus on in terms of giving away a prize?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Crucible 6 Doubles Tournament

So on the first full day of Crucible (Friday), I opted to play in a double tournament for Warhammer 40K.  I had been in touch with some of the TO's about it and was paired up with a dude from Orlando named Michael.  I think I mentioned in the past that we took our time reaching a consensus on what to play.  Initially we were going to go with Imperials (I was looking at a soft Iron Hands death star).  We then started discussing Chaos Space Marines but every list we came up with had deficiencies and would depend on some form of summoning to get more units on the table.

Ultimately we settled on Tyranids.  I had hesitated since Michael was fielding them for the GT.  But he came up with a pretty solid list that we both fielded:

Tyranid Combined Arms Detachment (925 points)

HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms) - 230 points
HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms) - 230 points

Troop - 30x Termagants (TL Spinefists x30) - 120 points
Troop - Tervigon (Cluster Spines) - 200 points

Elite - Venomthrope - 45 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points

If the list seems familiar it is because it is the basis of what I'm wanting to field to the tournament this weekend.  So we had to take 310 points worth of Troops and were restricted to CAD's (though ForgeWorld units were fair game).  Ultimately we had the ability to generate more ObSec units via the Tervigon, we knew that Grav would be limited, and we had 18 warp charges between the two of us (and plenty of Synapse).

Game 1 - White Scars/Sisters of Battle

Our first game we faced off against a combo of SoB and White Scars.  We were able to choose our primary mission and opted for Kill Points as both of our armies had 18 a piece and we had the tougher units to deal with.  The secondary objectives were a selection of Maelstrom objectives similar to ITC where we would choose two a turn.

Initially we pushed up hard and though that we could crush them by virtue of shot saturation.  Unfortunately some bad rolls put us behind the eight ball in the first two rounds but as the game wore on our army actually increased in strength.  We lost three of our four Flyrants by Turn 2 but despite that were able to put a hurt on their army.  This was one of the first times I'd ever faced St. Celestine with the new rules.  One of the most memorable moments was when she and her Gemena Superiora (sp?) charged a unit of Gaunts and ended up actually *LOSING* combat.

In the end we pulled out an 11-10 win.  We would've been able to win the Maelstrom mission but we had one turn where we bet we could eliminate 3 units instead of just 2.  A single scout was able to survive the attacks of 10 gaunts and a Tervigon and spoil our victory.  Had we gotten the 3 points that round, we would've handily won that objective.  Still, it was a great game and had a blast learning a bit more on how to better control my bugs.

None can withstand the Great Devourer!

Game 2 - Tyranid and Tyranid

So we knew after the tournament started that there was a mirror Tyranid list participating.  We figured we would never have to face them...right?!?!

hah...well so much for that thought.  Their list was almost identical to ours.  The main difference is they sacrificed their Brain Bugs in favor of Biovores.  In general that could prove to be troublesome as Biovores just eat up enemy infantry.   We had the initial advantage in Warp Charges but that quickly dwindled as they had second turn and were able to push into our lines and start eliminating Flyrants and Zoanthropes alike.  The main mission was table quarters and the secondary mission was still the same as before (modified Maelstrom).

By turn three there had been a mass amount of carnage but the main difference was that our team had both of our Warlords and their team had lost both.  They had been hampered by the lack Synapse.  Originally they thought that their teammates could provide Synapse to their ally but the rules clearly stated that no benefits (or penalties) would transfer between armies.

The game went back and forth but once our swarms had dug in, it was hard to eliminate everything.  We played to Turn 5 and rolled a 2 for the game to end.  When we summed up the points we had gotten to a perfect tie.  9 points to each side.  We tied the primary.  We tied the secondary.  We had the same amount of tertiary points.

I learned more about Flyrant manipulation in this game and managed to clean up some rules regarding the Psyker phase and how Flying Monstrous Creatures work (i.e. evidently I don't have Skyfire when I'm Gliding, just when Swooping).

So at this point we were 1-0-1.  We had played a close first game and an even closer second game.  One definite difference maker is that both Michael's Tervigon and my own bottled up with doubles on Turn 1 (first time that ever happened to me).  Unfortunately, our opponents didn't bottle up until Turn 5 so that definitely gave them the advantage in terms of number of units.

Preparing for the oncoming enemy swarm...all that tasty biomass!

My Tervigon was too slow at munching on my opponent's Gaunts

Game 3 - The Unholy Alliance...Iron Warriors and Iron Hands


One thing I had not anticipated was playing a list where both armies cherry picked the best out of an armies that would normally be "Come the Apocalypse" partners.  Nothing stopped us from doing this and our opponents took full advantage!

The Iron Hands list was not unlike one I would've fielded only he opted to bring a shooty death star (Grav Guns plus Storm Shields) and found the points to field St. Celestine.  The Iron Warriors list had two Sicaran tanks as well as multiple units of Oblits to field.

With this being our last game, both of us had to win objectives as our Primary mission.  With no Psyker defense to speak of, we figured that our Flyrants would have a field day against them.  That definitely could've been the case...if I didn't lose one of my Flyrants on Turn 2 to a Perils of the Warp.  I cast a Warp Blast on one of the Sicarans and failed to hit.  I rolled a 1 on the table and proceeded to roll an 11 on the Leadership test.  Game over.  Still, the Nids fought back hard to try and neutralize our opponents.  Unfortunately losing the Flyrant really limited our offensive capability and the Iron Hands death star hit our back field and took out units one by one.

Again we gambled with a Maelstrom mission of needing to take out three units in one turn but we failed to take the last hull point off a Sicaran tank to succeed in that mission.  At that point the game got out of hand and while I still had a multitude of Gaunts, there isn't a whole lot they can do against Marines and Obliterators.

Our lines were over run...but we wouldn't give up without a fight!

So we ended the day at 1-1-1.  We finished in the top half of the tournament but were well out of contention for any awards.  I did learn quite a bit about the Tyranid army and better ways of deploying in 7th edition.  Perhaps it matters less given that 8th edition is around the corner.

But still it was good to field the army.  Michael was a really outstanding general and often I found myself consulting with him for advice on what to do when presented multiple options.

I did like how his Nids were all red and bone color while mine were blue and bone color.  His were painted far superior to mine...but I could happyily say that all of our units were fully painted!

I had originally thought that the doubles tournament was a really fluffy event meant for throwing some dice and drinking some beer.  But it proved to be far more competitive than I had anticipated.  The winning lists were fielding a combination of summoning Daemons and renegades.  They received perfect scores in every round.

I'll be ready when Crucible 6.5 comes around!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Upcoming Strangeway Games Tournament

This upcoming weekend (April 15th), Strangeway Games is having another 40K tournament.  The requirements are pretty straight forward.  1500 points.  No unbound lists.  Forgeworld allowed but must be approved.

I imagine that just like last time there is a good chance that there will be a ton of crazy Forgeworld armies.  However because I had a great time playing with Tyranids this past weekend at Crucible, I'm going to keep with it and field some more bugs.  It is pretty much a similar list I've been playing off and on since 6th edition.  I tend to normally go 1-1-1 or thereabouts with it on average...but at least it is fully painted and normally gives me quite a few options to take on opponents.

Here's the list so far:

Tyranid Combined Arms Detachment

HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms, Electroshock Grubs) - 240 points
HQ - Hive Tyrant (Wings, 2x TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms, Electroshock Grubs) - 240 points

Troop - 30x Termagants (TL Spinefists x30) - 120 points
Troop - Tervigon (Electroshock Grubs) - 205 points

Elite - Venomthrope - 45 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points
Elite - Zoanthrope - 50 points

Heavy - 3x Biovores - 120 points

Formation - The First Curse (Genestealer Cult)

HQ - Patriarch (2x Genestealer Familiar, +1 Mastery Level) - 125 points
Elite  -20x Purestrain Genestealers - 280 points

Pretty simple.  So this list leaves me with 25 points on the table.  What to do with it though?

So to start off I come in with two Flyrants.  They're pretty much the dudes that do work in the Nid codex.  To protect them in Turn 1 (and subsequently to an extent), I have a Venomthrope giving them Shrouded to start the game.  I picked up a few pointers on deployment from my doubles matches at Crucible.  My main concern at the moment is whether it is worth it to even have Electroshock Grubs.  In most situations, they can angle to get rear armor or a more favorable position.  I will normally shoot both the Devourers instead of the grubs as well making them a bit unnecessary.  So I could definitely stand to trim 20 points off the list right there.

The two basic troops have served me well...Termagants and a Tervigon.  Generally I enjoy using Spinefists as they give me some options for FMC's as well as give me a few more chances on Overwatch.  The Tervigon definitely can go down to Grav weaponry but staying near the Venomthrope and in decent cover gives me a shot at perhaps surviving.  Catalyst is huge, but there are other options.  In the mean time I start cranking babies out.  Only in one match in nearly 15 or so games have I been plugged up after 1 turn.  So most of the time I will generate more ObSec units and go with it.

So Zoanthropes offer me a few options.  Each one gives me 2 dice.  They give me Synapse.  They also give me some anti-vehicle using Warp Blast.  Again, at Crucible I was able to successfully use it to put some hurt on enemy vehicles.  They are somewhat easy to hide in ruins and keep feeding dice to my Flyrants.

That leaves us with Biovores.  I am a huge fan of using them to try and snipe out a heavy weapon or important character.  Strength 4, AP4 isn't great, but it also gives me a pretty good form of crowd control for fighting other horde armies.  I am normally content to field two but fielded three because of the lack of options.  I could just as easily opt to go down to 2 and gain 40 more points (putting me at 60 if I give up Electroshock Grubs on my Flyrants).  In total I'd have 85 points to play with but I'm not sure there is a better way to use those points.

...and that leaves allies.

So I could've very easily gone with the formation that gives me multiple Flyrants...but I don't own Crones or Harpies.  I also only have 2 built up Flyrants (I can probably build 2 more but don't have much interest in doing so).  As a result, I decided to check into the Genestealer Cult options.

While in general I love their infiltrate possibilities, I figured I'd give The First Curse formation a go.  It gives me an ultra awesome Broodlord to take on opponents and better yet, gives all my Genestealers a 5++ to deal with all sorts of things like Flamers.  It also creates a huge unit on the board that most opponents will want to deal with giving my Flyrants even more options to deal with things they want to deal with.

The Broodlord was upgraded to ML2 so he could try for Invisibility twice at the very least.  In most situations having Psychic Scream (Shriek?) is good enough for me.  Really most everything is good in the chart.  Invisibility?  Awesome.  Shrouding?  Works great with Stealth on Genestealers.  Terrify?  Could use the -1 to Leadership for Shriek.  Dominate or Hallucination?  Meh but at least they could work.  Mental Fortitude is the only lose but I can only roll this once and I'd still have Shriek.

So that's it.  Quite a few options and threats with the list.  It is not the best at dealing with Vehicles but I have both the shooting phase and psychic phase to deal with them potentially.

I need to figure out what would be best.  I'm 75% sure I'll remove the grubs on the Flyrants and free up 20 points.  So that would put me at 45 points.  I could add a second Venomthrope to make the unit more survivable.  I could field a unit of Hormagants but there is little use to them without any additional upgrades (Toxin Sacs or Adrenal Glands).

I could also opt to simply add a second unit of Termagants to keep in my backfield but that seems like a waste.

Crucible 6 General Thoughts

So these last few weeks (particularly the weekends) have been busy.  Travel to NYC.  Crucible.  This was the first weekend where I didn't have anything other than the normal OT to do at work.  It afforded me the time to get a trial game in of Shadow War Armageddon with my buddy Sanjay.

I have started painting a bit more.  Mostly focusing on my Kings of War stuff but already I feel the allure of wanting to prep a specific team for the new Necromunda game.  I guess I'll write about that some other time.  But yes, Crucible 6 came and went.  It happened at the Park Inn by Radisson in Kissimmee, FL.

It was a smorgasbord of gaming of all types ranging from all things GW, Kings of War, WarmaHordes, Bolt Action, Guild Ball, and a ton of board games.  The Firelock Games folks were there to demo Blood and Plunder as well!

I need to get better at taking pictures of events but you can go to the Facebook page for the Crucible folks if you want more pictures of the area.  I ended up staying one night at the Park Inn (I had reserved my timeshare up in Orlando), and thought it was good for the price.  It isn't a super fancy hotel but I didn't expect it to be.  But the convention rate definitely made it attractive as an option.

I was very happy to find out that the guys are switching the dates for future Crucible events from the spring to the fall.  This year we'll get a Crucible 6.5 in October.  It works out great as it takes the slot Feast of Blades used to occupy.  Though I do wonder if the newly announced SoCal Open put on by Frontline Gaming will cause similar issues to what Adepticon caused.

So I myself participated in the Friday doubles tournament and then got to at least play in 3 of the 5 matches for the narrative play on Saturday and Sunday.  The doubles tournament was far more competitive than I thought it would be but I guess I will anticipate it a bit better in the future.  The narrative was a ton of fun and while I was never able to field my 1850 point list (the whole reason for wanting to play Necrons), the army performed well.  I'll do a couple of writeups for both of the events in the future.  I'll include a few pictures I took of my games while at the convention.

The tables were great.  I loved all the terrain and would highly recommend the narrative to anybody wanting to have good fun while throwing some dice.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hobby Goals - March

I guess I just can't seem to hit the right day!  February I was early.  March I'm late.  But still, I've made some progress on the hobby goals.  Gotta keep at it!

Yearly Goals - March

1.  Get 4 games of Warhammer 40K/Age of Sigmar/Kings of War/Frostgrave/other miniature game per month.

So I'm going to go ahead and say this was a success.  Going to Crucible 6 on the last weekend allowed me to play a total of 6 games over the weekend.  I played 3 matches on Friday in the Doubles Tournament.  Unfortunately car troubles sidelined me on Saturday morning so on Saturday + Sunday I only got a total of 3 more games in the narrative portion of the weekend.  I know that technically should be April but they were what I was building towards all of March.  Check!

2.  Paint 1 unit (Warhammer 40K/AoS/KoW) or 1 war band (Frostgrave) per month.

Things definitely slowed down after the end of #squaduary.  I kept working on my Necrons but at a much slower pace.  I was able to paint my Nightbringer C'Tan, a flying Hive Tyrant, two 5 man squads of Flayed Ones, and squad of Immortals.  Though I still think I need to do more work on them, I definitely completed this.  Check!

3.  Attend 1 tournament every 3 months (helps with #1).

Big check.  At this point I've done 3 tournaments and two narrative campaign days for Warhammer 40K.  All in all that means I was able to do a total of 5 events.  Much better than all of 2016 and we're only 3 months into 2017!

4.  Post 1 blog post per week.

This was a pretty big fail.  With all the travel and work taking up my time, I rarely had the desire to pop onto my computer at night and type.  When I did, it was to polish up my list or do some research on other things (trips, activities, etc).  I only had a whopping 2 posts in March.  I'd like to make up for it and have a much stronger April.  I don't think this post should count but hopefully I can get back to roughly 10 or so posts.  I have plenty of pictures from Crucible and should have plenty of content.

Look Ahead

So I didn't get nearly any instructional games in.  But March was also big as GW announced a lot of new games and such.  Already we have Shadow War: Armageddon to look forward to but even bigger are the whispers of 8th edition.  I had planned on perhaps honing my skills and working on an army for competitive events...but with a change on the horizon I feel I should dedicate more time to Kings of War (as it shouldn't change nearly as much).  I have yet to even look at anything in the most recent Clash of Kings update.

I should keep painting my Space Marines at the very least.  I know my Necrons are going to go back on the shelf for the moment along with my Tyranids.  I'll have to figure out what I want to play for Shadow War: Armageddon, but that shouldn't be too difficult.  I think?

I've already started work on some of my Beastmen/Herd army for Kings of War.  I need to paint them up and base them and then move back to finish up some Minotaurs I started back in October (!) of last year.

I also plan on working on some terrain for use in both Frostgrave and Kings of War!