Yearly Goals - February
1. Get 4 games of Warhammer 40K/Age of Sigmar/Kings of War/Frostgrave/other miniature game per month.I have managed to get in 6 games total for the month of February. I played 3 games at the Crucible Narrative prep at the beginning of the month and 3 games at the Strangeway Games 40K 2000 point tournament this past Saturday. Check!
2. Paint 1 unit (Warhammer 40K/AoS/KoW) or 1 war band (Frostgrave) per month.
So I've been participating in the #squaduary challenge online. While I haven't finished 100% on my Necron Immortals I plan on putting some snow on the bases to finish them up. I did go pretty simple (primed white, washed black, dry brushed white, picked out blue details and highlighted with a brighter blue)...but they still look pretty good for tabletop. Even better, I did a squad of 10 which in most cases will be two squads of 5. Check!
3. Attend 1 tournament every 3 months (helps with #1).
Victory! So I wouldn't count the Crucible prep as a tournament persay, it did have the general feel of a tournament. Plus I had already played in a tournament in January so that (technically counts). Lucky for me, I played in a tournament this past weekend.
4. Post 1 blog post per week.
I've made 12 blog posts in February (not counting this one) meaning I on average posted 3 per week. I understand that I didn't state "average" but in this case I did post at least one per week as well. I was talking with my best friend and mentioned that this is mostly for my own use to be able to better reflect on what I've done this year. Still...if anybody gains some entertainment and/or knowledge from this blog, even better!
Look Ahead
March is definitely looking like a month where I will be busy with work and perhaps some amount of travel. Still, I should be able to still get some more games in. I'm hoping to play some how-to games with my close friend Sanjay and should also have Crucible at the end of the month (granted it straddles March and April).I'm thinking this might be the list I take to Crucible for the 1850 portion of my games:
Necron Combined Detachment
HQ - Destroyer Lord (Warlord, Phase Shifter, Warscythe, Nightmare Shroud)HQ - Orikan the Diviner
Troop - 5x Immortals
Troop - 5x Immortals
Troop - 10x Warriors (Ghost Ark)
Elite - 6x Lychguard (Hyperphase Sword, Dispersion Shields)
Elite - 5x Deathmarks
Elite - 10x Flayed Ones
Formation - Conclave of the Burning One
Elite - C'Tan Shard of the Nightbringer - 240 pointsHQ - Cryptek (Phase Shifter, The God Shackle, The Solar Staff) - 115 points
HQ - Cryptek (The Veil of Darkness) - 90 points
So I understand that the list is far from complete. I am trying to figure out a way to bring in more Crypteks to help me with some units. In an ideal world I even get an Overlord in on the action for some AP2, Armorbane goodness.
I'm trying to refrain from bringing flyers but I may not have many options. But for now at least I have a basis. If I could bring a Decurion detachment, I'd be set as I'd simply bring a play on what I took to the tournament this past weekend. Perhaps that isn't quite in the spirit of the narrative play.
Still, if the "practice" session we had at Dogs of War was any indication, other people will not be pulling the punches.
What should I bring? A Triarch Stalker? Some more Canoptek goodies? Perhaps the markings of a small Scarab Farm? Flyers?
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