Yearly Goals - April
1. Get 4 games of Warhammer 40K/Age of Sigmar/Kings of War/Frostgrave/other miniature game per month.This was a success. I was able to get in some games at the beginning of the month at Crucible and then followed it up with a small tournament over at Strangeway Games in the middle of the month. The rumblings of 8th edition were starting even then with GW's presentation at Adepticon. I meant to do a tournament over at Dogs of War as well but had to adult. :(
2. Paint 1 unit (Warhammer 40K/AoS/KoW) or 1 war band (Frostgrave) per month.
After having done so much in March, I definitely slowed down in April. I was able to at least assemble and convert quite a few things. Worked on my dwarfs for Age of Sigmar (changing them from square to round bases) and primed them to boot. But the big success was painting an Apothecary, two thieves, and some tokens for Frostgrave. With that I feel I did accomplish my goals to an extent. I was even able to paint a forge, a book case, and a couple of small buildings for use in Kings of War.
3. Attend 1 tournament every 3 months (helps with #1).
I was able to attend the tournament at Strangeway Games but that was it.
4. Post 1 blog post per week.
Yet another big fail. I started posting well at the beginning of April and then work plus hobby time sidelined most everything else. Still, I feel I've been able to make some headway on making terrain and prepping stuff for Frostgrave in anticipation of teaching my buddy Sanjay how to play.
Look Ahead
8th edition looming has a lot of my 40K stuff on hold. I am trying to keep up with rumors but by in large I am focusing my attention elsewhere. I'm building up my Frostgrave warband and am working on extra minis so I can sit and teach Sanjay about the game. I'm also slowly working on Age of Sigmar minis (dwarfs). The Kharadron Overlords are really appealing but other than a unit and their army book, I'm trying to hold off on doing much else.Terrain is still the focus. I am building some trees and a few towers but am mostly waiting on some terrain I ordered from Urban Matz for Frostgrave. It should be enough to cover a 3x3 play area. I am needing to complete some gantries and walk ways...but can use more terrain. I do have the ruins of Osgiliath to work on. They come with some neat statues too to help add flavor to the games.