Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Nearly 2 Months...


hah, I don't expect anybody to be reading but it is funny how things work out.  I guess when I last posted I was prepping for BeakyCon.  That tournament came and went...and then I was going to focus on both Frostgrave and Kings of War.

Hobby-wise I feel I have been getting to do quite a bit, but not nearly as much as I would've hoped.  But luckily it hasn't been in vain.  I have managed to get quite a bit done around the house, tasted some delicious beer, knocked a few things out at work, and have spent a lot of good time with my beautiful wife!

So that said, I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things.  I guess a few general updates (that will be detailed in posts to follow).

BeakyCon 2016

As I mentioned earlier, this event came and went.  I had originally hoped to go at least 1-4 or preferably 2-3.  Ultimately I ended up going 1-3-1 but towards the tail end of the tournament I had one very lack luster matchup.  In general, this tournament was actually quite fun and there were some good guys.  That said, it was a reminder that maybe I don't have that "killer instinct" to try and get max points.  I do like bringing "middling" army lists as they offer the most dynamic matchups.

In general I am in a bit of no-mans land.  I like playing friendly games but hate getting smashed when I bring a "friendly" list against a "hard" list.  But if I want to play in tournaments I *NEED* to play far more games than I normally do.  I guess time will tell which way I end up going.

As a total aside, I have really been wanting to run more events.  I'm not sure if this area suits me though.  There are plenty of players and they are all very friendly...but I'm not quite "in" with them either.  Like I'd honestly like to host a mini-convention or event at a local hotel and even give stuff away...but I'm not sure anybody would even appreciate the effort.


I met up with a few guys that are excited to play the game.  With my buddy Sanjay moving down to the area, I'm hoping to get him involved just to simply be able to play at home.  I have thought about hosting "Frostgrave" night at my local FLGS/dork store, but I know it is quite a commitment to guarantee that I will go every week on that night to host games.

I guess for now I need to just start playing games and make sure I have enough models for 2 (maybe 3) warbands.  It is always easier when you can use another player's models to learn a game.

Kings of War

I had my first game of Kings of War since some massacres I experienced early on.  I brought my Beastmen (aka The Herd) army and it performed amazingly well.  Granted, I think my opponent went easy on me but it let me better understand what worked best in my army and what I could shift around.  I have built up quite a few models and want to post pictures on here.  I will try and post a batrep of the game (my memory may fail me a bit)...but in general I think this game is great.

Age of Sigmar

I am definitely in quite a pickle.  I drove my wife down to south Florida to go to a concert and while she was there I took some 40K and Warhammer Fantasy models to a GW store just in case I could find a game while she was at the concert.  I ended up meeting a cool guy named Mike who showed me the basics of AoS.  I actually had a ton of fun and with the release of the new rule book giving points values, I could see myself playing even more.  The game plays on a much smaller table in most situations and while I don't know how much terrain is necessary to balance things, it does seem like yet another option to play with friends.

I have plenty of fantasy models, so that isn't the problem.  I just need to make sure to get my Kings of War army ready to go (again, the tournament scene beckons)...but then rapidly start setting up my Age of Sigmar stuff.

In general just wanted to put some thoughts down.  Football season starting up may slow my progress but I'm hoping to host people to be able to play some wargames while watching foosball on TV.  Got the kegerator cooled and ready to go!